Dancing Under The MoonLight

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When I was a little girl, my mom used to tell me that if I found someone who made me feel special - that I should never let them go. She told me to love and appreciate everyone in my life, cause honestly you never know when someone could walk out. I never really understood what she meant until I got into Middle School. I was bullied for being a tomboy, I lost all my friends. Some of them acted like I never existed, others joined in on bullying me. I even tried changing myself just to fit in. I wanted them so desperately to like me again.. But then I met Alicia and Marco. It was us against the world, and it still is. Just with the O2L boys by our side.


Where have you two been?" Marco asks with a wink when Jc & I come back inside.

I laugh and shake my head. For the last two hours Jc and I have been at the park, we went swimming in the pond and swung on the swings. It was seriously so fun. We kissed a little as well.. hehe.

"No where." I sing-song at sit at the table, surprise surprise! We're having dinner at Jc's house. Joe Felix, Jaylyn & Ava-Grace sat in the living room watching some little kid show. Ricardo & Sam where wrestling in the backyard, Kian & Conner were in the kitchen with Jc's mother, Marco was setting the table and I had no clue where Trevor, Ricky or Alicia where.

"Marco where is Ricky and Alicia?" I ask with a small smirk.

"They went shopping." He says laughing.

Oh god. I Think in my head, just at that moment the front flew open. Ricky & Alicia's laughter wafted through the room, they each held about three bags. Alicia's face was red and her hair was messed up, Ricky's face was super red as well.

"Uh.. guys?" Jc asks with a questioningly look.

"She.. got kicked out of Walmart!" Ricky busted out laughing.

"SHE HAD IT COMING. SHE TOOK MY NUTELLA!" Alicia says, crossing her arms.

"That's true." Ricky says and continues to laugh.

"DINNER IS READY!" Jc's mother yells from the kitchen.

Kian, Conner & Jc's mom walked out of the kitchen and set the food in the middle of the huge table. Ricardo and Sam ran inside and sat at the table - across from Jc and I. Conner sat next to Sam & Ricky. (Sam on his left Ricky on his right.) Alicia sat at the end of the table (That spot that on the right end of the table that only one chair is. Get what I'm saying?) kinda on the side of Ricky, I guess. Jc sat straight across from Ricardo, I sat straight across from Sam. Kian sat next to me.

"Wait, Wait, where is Trevor?" I ask, realizing the little goofball wasn't at the table.

"Honestly, I don't know.'' Conner says with a small shrug.

"Oh gosh! What if he got kidnapped? OH GOD WHAT IF -"

"Chill, he just texted me. He met a girl and is on his way home."

Everyone 'Awe's. Jaylyn, Joe Felix & Ava-Grace get their food and walk back into the living room - must be an interesting show. After about ten minutes of waiting for Trevor, he finally gets here. His face was flushed and he said 'Sorry for being late!' about 50 times before sitting next to Kian.

"So, what is this girl like?" Connor asks, smirking.

"Uh... Nice." Trevor stammers.

"So you like her?" Kian asks next.

"I-I guess.""

''TREVOR LIKES A GIRL!'' Ricky screams.

Trevor blushes a bit and everyone at the table laughs. The rest of the dinner was a, for the first time, silent. A comfortable silence though. And when dinner was over, Joe Felix, Ava Grace and Jaylyn were put to bed while the rest of us all gathered in the living room.

~ ~ ~

It was late at night, probably around midnight. The sky was cloudy and pitch black and everyone in the house was asleep. Ricky sat next to Alicia, talking away. Connor sat by Trevor, slightly teasing him. Trevor was laughing and and shook it off. Sam and Kian were laying on the floor bored and on twitter, (I know this cause all their tweets are sent to my phone.) Jc sat next to me on the white sofa, Ricardo laid half asleep in the recliner. Marco went home, promising he will come back tomorrow and hang out.

Jc turned to me with a smile, stuffing his Iphone back in his pocket he grabbed my hand, sending a shiver through my spine, and pulled me through the house.

"Jc where are we going?" I asked, partially laughing. It was midnight, where the hell is he taking me?

Jc didn't answer though, he pulled me out into the backyard. The air was humid, the sky was pitch black, except for the stars. The stars looked close, but I know they were millions (if not more) light years away. It's crazy right?

"When I was younger, I thought that the stars were all the people in heaven." I say with a sly smile. "I would always make up fantasy's about how my dad was watching us from the sky and that he would one day come back and we would be a whole family again."

"Did he ever come back?" Jc asks, shifting to look at me. His brown eyes held concern, but something else too. A look of adoration, I remember my dad looking at my mom like that.. vaguely before he left.

"No." I answer, looking at the ground.

Jc wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on his shoulder. Jc kisses my forehead slightly and pulls away, I pout stubbornly. He looks at me and chuckles. Jc pulls out his phone and clicks on something, soft music floats through the air as Jc takes my hand.

"I heard you didn't go to prom." He says, pulling me close to him.

"How did you know?" I ask with a smirk, wrapping my arms around his neck.

I know damn well that either Alicia or Marco said something to him.

"Oh you know. People." He jokes smiling.

We sway to the music, enjoying each others company. At one point, Jc leaned down (cause he's taller than me.) and kisses me to the song Truly, Madly, Deeply by One Direction. He kiss took me to another planet, I know it may sound cheesy and weird but it's true. It's everything I use to fantasize about, and I don't want anyone or anything to take it away from me. If I could, I would live in this moment forever.

Jc takes my hand and spins me around, laughing a bit. The Moment I knew by Taylor Swift flows through the phone speakers, it was probably the tenth song we have danced too. Maybe not, but who knows? This moment right here, in the humid Texas heat and in the moonlight, It was perfect. I know it's not safe to fall for someone so fast, but I can't help it. Jc.. he's everything to me, and I hope I'm everything to him.


A/N Hey guys! Sorry for going so long without updating! School has been so stressful, I hope you don't hate me!! I also hope you love love LOVE this chapter!!

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