Preparation Is Ready

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About a week or so later the guest lecture is over. Wei Ying, Lan Zhan and their spiritual tool stand away from the group of people that are saying goodbye to one another. "Master, are you sure you don't want to say anything to them?" Asked Chenqing.

"Mn. I'm sure Chenqing."

"A-Xian, Wangji," they all turn to see Lan Xichen and Qingheng Jun is walking toward them. "How is everything Fuqin?" Lan Zhan asked. "We are all prepared for battle against the Wen clan."

"In just a few days, the Wen clan will send out their indoctrination for their Wen clan lecture. You all make sure to not take your real sword with you. Also, bring medicine and extra rope with you, so that you can climb back up, okay?"

"Yes Fuqin."

Wei Ying suddenly fall down to the ground, "Master!" Lan Zhan turn to his left to see Wei Ying on the ground. "Wei Ying, what's wrong?"

"Can...can...can..." Wei Ying grab a hold of Lan Zhan arm, "Can we not go? I don't want to do this anymore?" Everyone look at one another, "I know Wei Ying, but don't you want to change everything that has happen to you?"

"I do...but..."

"Lan er gongzi, let me and Suibian," Lan Zhan nodded his head. Chenqing and Suibian take Wei Ying back to Jingshi. "Wangji."

"I understand."

"A-Zhan. A-Huan. We need to prepare for the war ahead of us. But first, is the Wen indoctrination. You all should be careful when you are there."

"We will."

"Once we are gone, please make sure that every clan is ready to fight against the Wen clan."

"I understand."

"Wangji, Bichen, when Suibian and Chenqing have finish talking to Wei Ying, go to the Nie clan, make sure you all help Chifeng Zun to fight against the Wen clan okay?"

"We will Master."


"Master," Suibian and Chenqing can only watch as their master withdraw himself from the world.

"Master, you know that you aren't in this alone. We will come save you once we help the Nie and the Lan protect their home."

"We know that you don't like this but...we can change what happen to other people. Please master."

"I know Chenqing. I know," 'I know all of the event....we can change all of them but....I hope and wish that nothing will happen to anyone especially to Lan Zhan, Shijie, and Jin Zixuan.' Wei Ying then lifted his head, "Wen Qing and Wen Ning, have you guys found a place for them to stay yet?"

"Yes, we have. We just need to go talk to them before they leave," with that Wei Ying and his spiritual tool left from there. They rush to where Wen Qing and Wen Ning is staying, they got there just before the two Wen sibling left from there.

"Wen Qing! Wen Ning! Can we talk? It is very important." The two Wen Sibling looked at each other then back to Wei Ying, "okay, what is it?"

Wei Ying and his two spiritual tool tell Wen Qing and her didi what happen to their family, to Wen Ning and what happen to her. "You mean....all of my and Wen Ning...they...they....we...."

"Wen guniang, you need to get your family far away from Wen Rouhan. Think about your family and your didi."

"But where can we go?" Wen Qing asked.


"We will open a portal to take Wen guniang and her didi back to Da fan mountain. Then we will take them to the town that we have in mind. Master, please wait okay?" Wei Ying nodded his head.

"Please come this way, Wen guniang, Wen gongzi," the two step into the portal. 'Be safe Wen Qing, Wen Ning, my second chance to save you and your family.'

Wei Ying went back to Jingshi, "master Wei," Bichen and Wangji look here and there for Suibian and Chenqing. "They will come back soon. I just sent the two of them on a mission."

When night times come Chenqing and Suibian arrive back home, "Master, Bichen, Wangji, we're back!"

The two walk into the room, "Suibian, are you ready to go?" Bichen asked as he got everything to head straight to the Nie clan. "Give me one minute," Suibian walk over to where Wei Ying is at, "Master, I will come for you, okay?"

"I know Suibian. You and Bichen must also be careful alright?" The two spiritual tool nodded their head, "Come on Suibian," Suibian went to take Bichen hand, "Chenqing, since master is still here, look after him okay?"

"I will." The two sword disappear from there. "Master Wei, master Wangji is talking to his family, he will come back a little bit late. Will it be okay if you stay here by yourself?" Wangji asked.

"Yeah, where are you two going?"

"We are helping the Lan clan to prepare for battle against the Wen clan when they come to attack them. The preparation will be ready by tomorrow."

"Master we will go now," Wei Ying nodded his head. The two vanish from there. 'Sure is quiet without them around.' "Ah that's right, while there is still time i think I will head straight to the cold spring. I need to form my golden core against as fast as possible." So with that Wei Ying left Jingshi to head to the cold spring.

When Wei Ying left Jingshi, Lan Zhan saw him, "Wei Ying," Lan Zhan decide to follow him. The two end up at the cold spring, "how in the world can the Lan disciple stand this cold water anyway?"

"You will get use to it," Wei Ying turn around to see, "Lan Zhan." Lan Zhan sat down on the rock that is near the cold spring, "what did you and your family talk about?" Wei Yin asked.

"We send letter out to all sect. We want to let them know that they shouldn't bring their real sword. They need to bring talisman, medicine and other thing to fight the Wen and to get out of the cave."

"Lan Zhan?"


"Once this is all over, do you think we can travel the world? I also want to find my Shishu Xiao Xingchen. I don't know what happen to the two of them after we say our goodbye."

"If Wei Ying said that he want to travel the world, then I will follow his decision."

"Will that be okay with your family?"

"Since father is out of seclusion, he will take over as sect leader. Xiong Zhang, will help him with his sect leader duty."

"Then let's do it!" Wei Ying gave Lan Zhan a big smile, this also make Lan Zhan smile as well, "is a deal."

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