Time To Deal With Su She

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While Lan Xichen went to talk to his uncle, Lan Zhan went to go get his father out of seclusion. As for Wei Ying, he is waiting for all of them to come back. "Master Wei!" Wei Ying went to meet his sword and flute half way.

"How did it go?" Wei Ying asked as all of the spiritual tool went into the room. "Both Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan will look after Young master Jin. Jin Zxuan also agree to go live with Jiang guniang at the Jiang clan."

"That's good to hear," Wei Ying see Bichen and Wangji is looking around the room, "Bichen, Wangji, what's wrong?" He asked the two spiritual tool. "Where is Master Wangji?" Asked Bichen.

"Lan Zhan went to talk to his father. Since the reverse time take us all back to where we started our guest lecture, then that mean his father is alive."

Lan Zhan finally arrive at his father seclusion place, 'it has been years and years, I haven't step foot in this place for a while.' Lan Zhan walk up to the door, he knock on the door a voice from inside said, "Whose there?"

Lan Zhan take in deep breath and then said, "Fuqin, we need to talk, we need you to come out of seclusion. Our clan....our clan is in danger....your in danger."

Lan Zhan then near foot step and then the door open up, "A-Zhan, what did you just said?"

"The Clan will get attack by the Wen clan, and they will burn down our clan. You die while fighting with the Wen clan. That is why we, I, Xiong Zhang and Shifu want you to come out of seclusion."

"A-Zhan, how do you know all of this?" Asked his father. "Because.....there are people who can reverse time. I been through the whole ordeal, I know what will happen soon. I want to change your fate Fuqin."

"Where is your brother right now?" Qingheng Jun asked. "Xiong Zhang is with Shifu right now."

"Then let's head there right now," Lan Zhan couldn't believe his eye, his father is leaving his seclusion. "A-Zhan?" Lan Zhan followed his father to where his brother and uncle is at.

"Xichen, are you sure about this?" Lan Xichen nodded his head. "We were manipulated by Jin Guangshan, he only want to take Wuxian yin Hufu from him. He wasn't there to fight him, he want all of us to fight Wuxian so that he can get his hand on the Yin Hufu."

"A-Huan, A-Ren," the two look toward the doorway to see, "Fuqin/ Xiong Zhang!"

Qingheng Jun walk into the room as he went to take a seat where Lan Qiren was sitting. "A-Zhan have told me what will happen soon," he turn to look at Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren, "A-Huan, continue what you were saying," Lan Xichen nodded his head, he continued to tell his father and uncle what will happen soon.


"Master," suibian went to sit down in front of Wei Ying, "What is it, Suibian?" Suibian look at the sword in his hand, seeing Suibian looked at the sword Wei Ying put his hand on his midsection.

"I'm sorry  Suibian, even if we reverse time my golden core won't come back. You know that I never meant to abandon you. You are my first spiritual sword, you will always be my sword. As for Chenqing, I needed his help to take down the Wen clan. I will never abandon the two of you. You two will always be my spiritual tool."

Chenqing and the other two just watch Suibian talking to Wei ying. "By the way Bichen, didn't Master Xichen said that to tell him to seal off Su She spiritual core?" Bichen nodded his head.

"Since Master Xichen and Master Wangji is talking to their Shifu and maybe father as well, we should wait until they come back."

"Yeah we should wait."

"If master Wei doesn't have his golden core anymore, how will he fight the Wen clan?" Asked Wangji who is looking at Suibian and Wei Ying still talking to each other.

"He still have his flute," Chenqing pull out the black and red flute in his hand. "You got it?" Chenqing nodded his head. "Before we left from the bottom of the abyss, I grab it."

"I believe that Master Wangji still doesn't know about Master Wei giving his golden core to Jiang Wanyin right?"

Chenqing looked at his master, "no he doesn't. I don't think Master will tell him about it."

Wangji and Bichen suddenly has a great idea, the two grabbed Chenqing as they walk over to where Wei Ying and Suibian is at.

"Master Wei, I think we have a way for you to get your golden core back!"

Suibian and Wei Ying looked at each other then back to Wangji and Bichen, "how? And for how long or how many day?"

"We don't know but this place is very cold. Can you handle it?" At the word cold, Wei Ying know where Bichen is talking about, "Your talking about the Lan cold spring?" The two nodded their head

"Master Wei, as long as you stay in the cold spring then your golden core will slowly return. All you need to do is meditate."

"Wouldn't Lan Zhan get suspicious?" Wei Ying asked the spiritual tool. "Master sooner or later you has to tell Master Wangji the truth." Wei Ying breath in then out, "of course."

"When do we start?" Wei Ying asked Bichen. "We can start tomorrow. We do have a lot of thing to do."

"That's true."

"Oh yeah, Chenqing, Suibian, Bichen, why don't we go find Su She? He is also the cause of master Wei frame as well. We can tortured him before handing him over to Master Xichen."

"Go have fun with him then," the four spiritual have on an evil smirk. The four spiritual tool disappear from there. 'It look like they will do much more to him then torturing.'

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