Torture Time

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Suibian went with Bichen while Wangji went with Chenqing. The four went around the Lan clan to search for Su She. It didn't take long for all of them to find Su She. They see him lingering outside of Lan Qiren room.

"There is that snake." Suibian tighten his fist, "Lets go get him," all four turn into smoke as they head toward Su She. Red and blue light mix together as they take Su She away from there.

"Oh Su She........." Su she shivered from head to toe. "Who...who...whose there?" He asked. "Your worst nightmare." All four begin to tortured Su She in different way, they are making him feel thing and seeing thing but actually this is just an illusion of their.

"Don't torture him too much Wangji, don't forget there someone else want to seal off his spiritual energy," whispered Bichen. "I know that." Whispered back Wangji.

"Then let's do this!" They make Su She feel like they are whipping him, put hot iron burn on his body and chain on his body.


"What's taken the four of them so long? I hope they didn't kill Su She yet or didn't hurt him too much." 'We still need Xichen to seal off his spiritual energy. But I still can't believe he team up with Jin Guangyao to frame me.' Wei Ying lay back down on the floor, 'thing will be different now, since we know what will happen soon, we can change it.'

'We don't have to use empathy to show everyone what happen. We can get thing done one step ahead of the Wen clan. If I remember correctly, there is an event that is going to happen soon. I think it is down at Caiyi town, with the Aqua Demon I think.'

The torturing

"Who are you people? Why are you doing this to me?!" Su She shouted as he felt the burning of the iron on his skin. "We know everything about you, Su She. We know what you will do next and we know that you don't like the Lan clan. If we know that you try to betray them, we will come back to get you."

"I have no idea what you are talking about! Let me go!" Shouted Su she. "Let you go? I don't think so. We're not done with you yet."

"Yes, we're not done with you yet!" 'Chenqing and I will make you pay for what you and Jin Guangyao did to Our master!' "Chenqing?"

"Got it Suibian."

Chenqing hang Su She up side down, "stop this! Stop this! Stop it!"Chenqing eye turn red. "We will stop when we want too." The whole place went dark, Su She couldn't see anything around him. All he can see is two pair of red eyes and two pair of blue eyes in the darkness.

Lan Qiren room

"What you two said is the truth?" Both Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen nodded their head. "We need to train our disciple and put up a stronger protection shield." Lan Zhan then remember something, "since Wei Ying and I took the yin iron out from the cold cave the protection shield that Lan Yi put up came down."

"Then it is best to leave it in there. We should also enhance our protection shield even more."

"What else happened?" Asked Lan Qiren. The two tell their uncle and father from, the Wen clan massacred the Jiang clan, to the war against Wen Rouhan to Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan kill all of the innocent Wen to them going to war against Wei Wuxian.

"We went against Wei Wuxian, why?" Lan Xichen sigh, "because he was framed....they accused Wei gongzi of killing both Jin Zixun and Jin Zixuan. It wasn't his fault, it was never his fault."

"Why do you said that A-Huan?" Asked Qingheng Jun. "During our fight against Wei gongzi, I noticed that Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan disappeared from the fight. They didn't want to join the fight, they used us and the other sect to fight against Wei Wuxian. I believe that the two of them want to get their hand on Wei gongzi Yin Hufu."

"Yin Hufu?"

"It is a tool that Wei Ying cultivated. He only used to win the war against Wen Rouhan and from that day on Jin Guangshan want to get his hand on this powerful tool."

"Since you two know everything that has happen so far, what will you do?" Qingheng Jun asked his two son.

Chenqing and the other

Chenqing summon up thin, sharp and black needle, "let's have some fun Su She," Chenqing move the needle into Su She body, the four heard Su She screaming in pain. "How about we burn him like how they burn Wen Qing alive?" Come Wangji evil tone.

"Let's do that," fire appear beneath Su She, and this scare him. The fire look real but actually it just an illusion to scare Su She.

"No no no no! Stop it! Stoooooop!" Chenqing and Suibian have on an smirk as they lowered Su She slowly, slowly, and slowly down toward the fire beneath him. Wangji and Bichen smirk at the way Su She is screaming like a little girl.

"Listen here and listen well Su She. You better stay away from Meng Yao,because if we see you and Meng Yao team up to do evil thing, we will come back to torture you even more, understand?" Chenqing warned Su She.

"I understand!"

Suibian can see where Su She is at, he went to knock Su She unconscious before taken him out of there and back to his room. "Let's see if he will follow your directions, Chenqing."

"Mn." They all disappear from there as they take Su she back to his room. When they are done, they went back to Jingshi to tell Wei Ying what they did to Su she.


"Master!" Wei Ying set up he see the four spiritual tool appear in front of the doorway. "What took you four so long?" Wei Ying can see the mischievous and evil smirk on all four spiritual tool face.

"What did you guys do?" The four gathered around the table as they begin to tell Wei Ying what they did to Su She.

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