07 - Seven - Sam Wood's Point Of View.

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For a full work week, Reid and I didn't bump into each other. Not that I had time. I was booked solid with appointments and surgeries. Now was not the time for my rut to decide to rear its head, but here I was. Medicated, mad, and at work. Grabbing my complete case files, I brought them to the front desk and set them down.

Doctor Connell snagged me by the arm and took me to the exam room.


"I don't have time." I snapped, drugging my hand through my hair.

"Samuel, sit. Let me just make sure the suppressant is working for you."

Annoyed, I sat on the table, and Doctor Connell took my temperature and huffed.

"Your temperature has gone up again. Any higher and I'll have to send you home," he said, setting the thermometer down, and checking my glands. He pressed on my throat, and I hated it. I clenched my teeth, and his hands moved to my shoulders and he checked those glands too, avoiding the still healing bite marks.

"I told you his rut would stimulate yours. I'm going to get you an ice pack, take your break now, go lay down in the overnight room. Then, after the meeting with Reid this afternoon, I'm sending you home."

"I'm fine. I just need to distract myself with work."

"I swear you are—-I have to take this, go lay down for a bit."

I waited until Doctor Connell was gone before I left the room, yanking on my scrub top. I was overheating. I dropped my coat in my office while doing patient rounds. The nurse working the front desk stopped me and passed me a cup.

"Doctor Connell said to bring you a cup of ice chips to chew on, so you stay hydrated and bring down your temperature."

I took the cup back with me to my office and chewed on the ice while doing paperwork. I could hear the office printer being used, and it was driving me nuts. The sound was getting on my nerves. Getting up, I walked to the front desk and yanked the plug out of the wall.

"Doctor Woods, how are we supposed to get our paperwork?" A nurse said. The annoyance on her face clearly.

"Use the printer in Doctor Connell's office. That bloody fucking sound is getting on every single—--"

"Samuel. I told you to go lay down, not bother the front desk about the printer." Doctor Connell said, as he entered the department again. "Let's go, grab your department binder. We have a meeting with the CEO."

Grabbing my binder from my office, I followed behind Doctor Connell to the meeting room. Reid joined us a few minutes later. He frowned when he looked at me.

"Good afternoon, Doctor Connell, Doctor Woods," he said, his eyes scanning me. "Doctor Woods, if you're unwell, you should have called in sick."

"Thank you, but I'm fine."

"Today, we will touch base on the department funds and the things you need from me. I sent a memo to the department printer. You have it, yes?"

"No, we do not. Doctor Woods yanked the printer cord out of the wall." Doctor Connell said.

"The sound was getting on my freaking nerves. I unplugged it, that's it." I snapped, grabbing the collar of my scrubs, pulling it away from my skin and shaking it. Trying to get some cold air down there.

"Doctor Woods, are you alright?" Reid asked.

"Fine." I hissed.

"Doctor Woods is going through a rut cycle."

"I see. That is likely my fault. Doctor Woods, please see yourself home."

"I have work to do." I bitched.

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