19 - Nineteen - Sam Wood's Point Of View.

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Reid had booked me a blood test for the morning, and had them put a rush on it so that I would know before I left work. I already knew, but this would make it officially documented. Both Dr Connell and Reid wanted me to adjust my workload and, at minimum, work from home three out of the five, sometimes six, days I worked.

I turned them both down and hid from their constant, thoughtful pestering. I understood why they were behaving this way, but I was too stubborn to agree with them. I wanted to believe that I knew what was best for the unborn child and I. Cleaning up my desk and the drawers in my desk; I found all kinds of things that I had forgotten. I had actual work that I should have been doing, but I didn't really want to do any work. My email dinged on my computer and it was from Reid, saying that he had received my test results for the blood test and we could look at the results when I came up to eat lunch with him.

I counted down the time to my lunch break. Finally, I would hold hospital verified proof of my pregnancy. I was excited, but also terrified. This would make everything far more real for me, but for Reid, too.

Reid was waiting in his office for me and had two containers pulled out. "I ordered some grilled chicken and pasta in white sauce. It shouldn't bother your stomach too much."

"That actually sounds great, but I want to pick dinner."

"Sure. Tell me what you want and I will do my best to get it for you."

"I want to have cheese pizza for dinner, and I would like to add feta cheese to it. If you want, you can order your own pizza, and I'll cover the cost."

"Sounds good. I'll order some sides too, just in case you have some issues with digesting your pizza," Reid said, pulling out a chair for me at his desk and sliding my lunch closer to me. "Sit, come eat."

Sitting down in the chair, he lightly pushed me closer to the desk before he moved back to his chair. He looked at me while he opened his lunch and paused. "I got us a drink, too. Hold on. Let me grab them from the fridge." He stood up, going to grab two bottles of water out of the fridge and came back.

He set the water bottles down and opened his food container. Following his lead, I opened my food, and the smell of chicken and creamy pasta filled my nose.

"This smells so damn good," I exclaimed, my mouth watering as the tantalizing aroma filled the room. The scent was irresistible, a harmonious blend of fragrant spices and savoury ingredients that enticed all my senses. I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation, eager to savour the delicious dish. I only hoped that it would like me as much as I was trying to like it. I didn't want to try my hand at learning what it would be like to evacuate pasta from my stomach. I took a bite and was immediately taken aback. The flavour was intense and perfectly blended. I was sold.

"Ugh! I could eat my body weight in this." I moaned, and Reid cleared his throat.

"You would be sick, and it wouldn't be good at all. Trust me on that one," he said, as he stuffed a bite of pasta and chicken into his mouth and I watched him chew.

I savoured every bite I took and washed it down with the bottle of water Reid got me. I closed my eyes for a moment and imagined myself eating it in a cozy little restaurant.

"I have some of the medication for your stomach if you need it, but right now, I think we should look at your results."

"I agree. We should get this over with. It will cement it for us both that this is real, there will be no denying it." I said and watched to see his reaction. He nodded and moved his empty container out of the way. He grabbed his laptop and set it down, firing it up and opening his email. He opened the results and the word positive was highlighted for us both to see.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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