Cold visit

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It's been a while since I visited the pups back in Adventure Bay. To this day, Marshall has remained silent towards me for a full two days. I needed to know if it's because his pup tag is broken or because he's been extremely busy with missions. I was experiencing fear, anger, and sadness in equal measure.

Marshall and I had been mates for a long time, so the idea that something bad might happen to him was beginning to bother me. I made the decision to go see him and the other pups first thing in the morning. My pup tag was going off right as I was about to fall asleep. I answered.

Everest: "Hello?"

Ryder: "Everest? Are you there?"

Ryder? Could he need me for a mission? But it's pretty late. I don't think we have ever done missions when it's this dark outside. Something had to be very wrong then.

Everest: "Y-Yes! I'm here. Is something wrong?"

Ryder: "Yes, terribly. It's Skye. She's having a few issues right now. We need you to come down to Katie's ASAP!"

What?! Skye?! My best friend?! I immediately got up, but not without banging my head on the top of the doorway in my pup house.

Everest: "Argh..I-I'll be there as soon as I can, Ryder!"

I hung up and transformed my pup house into a snowcat. I know I should let Jake know that I'm needed, but I can't waste any time. I don't know how bad Skye is, but I shouldn't sit around wasting valuable time.

It only took me 9 minutes to get to Adventure Bay. I was literally speeding, going over the speed limit. I know Chase would be all over me saying that I should be going at a safe speed, but Skye is my friend! When I parked my snowcat, I was about to run into Katie's pet parlor until I heard a few rustling noises coming from someone's pup vehicle. It frightened me a little bit, one because it was dark and no one was outside.

Everest: "H-Hello? Is someone out here?"

It was quiet. I'm probably just paranoid. I started making my way into the pet parlor. When I walked in, all of the pups were sitting on the ground with sorrowful expressions on their faces.

Everest: "Wh-Where's Skye and Ryder?"

No one said anything. Did no one hear me?

Everest: "Where's Skye and Ryder? Anyone?"

Zuma: "Th-Thewe in Katie's woom.."

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