Chapter 1

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A/N: Hellloooooo! Shocker I have another new mini fic. I am kind of obsessed with writing these if you couldn't tell lmfao!

This fic is based off a prompt by: lambtoslaughter <3

Warnings for this book are placed in the summary! Please read that prior!

Liam's baby blue eyes looked down, glued to the ground. He knew it was always respectful to let the adults speak and not interrupt while in their presence. Of course he didn't like that, but he knew better.

"Isn't that right son?" His father asked, a proud member of society. The Preacher at their towns church, he had everyone eating out of the palm of his hands and God did he let everybody know it too.

Liam nodded, his mesmerising blue eyes meeting those of the woman before him. "Oh he's adorable" the woman said pinching Liam's cheek, he hated that. Being the preachers son often resulted in a lot of unwanted attention, but he tolerated it.

His face sore from the fake smiling all day, scared to let his mask slip up. "Grab your things" his father spoke, "yes sir" Liam said. Scurrying off to find his bag and water bottle, finding them situated on a small wooden shelf.

Sir had always been something normal for him, it was out of respect. Probably seemed odd to any outsiders but in this town, where Christianity ruled the population... respect was one of their top priorities.

"Say goodbye" his father said watching as Liam said goodbye to the woman he had been speaking with, "who was she?" He wondered. Following his father out of the church and towards their car, he placed his belongings into the back seat.

"She was kindly letting me know that we will have a new volunteer next Sunday, he's around your age" he said after getting into the drivers seat, Liam almost scoffed at that word, volunteer.

Nobody his age actually volunteered, they were always forced to do it by their parents. "His name is Theodore" his father began, starting the car as he continued "he's a troubled boy so I trust you will steer him into the arms of our lord and saviour"

Liam nodded and turned his face, trying not to cringe at his fathers words. "I will" Liam said knowing that's what he would want to hear, "good" he replied, as he began driving home.

The drive was awkward and uncomfortable, considering they had gotten into a fight earlier that day but he didn't expect anything less. His father, Dean... had found some questionable magazines under his mattress.

Liam was immediately appalled that his father had gone to that extreme of searching through his room, but he expected nothing less. After receiving his punishment of several hand swats with the stick and reciting certain bible verses he was finally left alone.

Only for Dean to make him confess his sins in the confessional cabinet. He was embarrassed but he knew that was the point, to feel the shame and regret from the sin he had committed. That was only the beginning of his punishment, he knew his father would hold it over his head for a long time.

"You're still grounded" Dean said under his breath, his eyes darting to Liam "I know father" he said, twiddling his fingers in his lap. Once they arrived home Dean unlocked the door, once inside he handed Liam a box.

"Heat your dinner up and go to your room, you will pray before you eat and you will eat alone until I believe your sins have been repented. Do you understand?" Dean said watching Liam's face sadden.

Sure he had done things before that had irritated his father, but nothing like this. Usually repenting and hand swats were enough for his father to forgive him, this must have been bad.

Liam nodded, "I'm sorry" he said. Taking the box of food to the microwave and heating it up, watching as Dean poured a glass of bourbon? He was the biggest hypocrite, despite their upper class appearance he was no saint.

He was a liar, a fake and a fraud. Selling his fake Christian image while shoving it down everyone else's throat. Liam hated it, he hated the way the towns people so easily believed every single word his father said.

Going to his room he ate his pasta in silence, not bothering to pray before he ate. He didn't care, it didn't matter to him. He wasn't a Christian by choice, that was something that had been forced upon him.

After eating his food he opened his door cautiously not to make a sound, listening carefully he heard his fathers snoring. Usually three bourbons in and he was out, quite literally out.

Nothing would wake him up, Liam could be screaming and he would probably sleep through it. A small smirk appeared upon Liam's face and he closed his door, turning to his window he opened it.

He hastily walked to his closet and grabbed an oversized jacket, slipping it on he felt immediately warmer. The thickness it provided managed to keep him in even the harshest of winds.

With a hand on the window he slipped his leg out, only just touching his roof he lifted his other leg. Once both of his feet were on the roof he got down until he was sitting and began to scoot towards the edge of the roof.

Once on the end he looked down, the drop wasn't big but it wasn't small. Maybe two metres high, it was definitely taller then he was, but regardless he jumped down. Landing on his feet he crouched down, avoiding the large window.

Looking up he spotted his father passed out on the couch as usual, no surprise there. Knowing he had a few hours he walked towards the bus stop, the usual time he would sneak out and catch the bus.

Once it arrived he called Allison, "I'm on my way" he said, careful to keep his head down not wanting anyone to recognise him. Considering his father was a very respected man everyone knew him, especially in such a small town.

He couldn't risk being seen out at this time, especially alone. They would definitely tell his father and god only knows what would happen then. He didn't want to think about that, he wanted to see his friends.

"I'll see you soon" he said before hanging up, keeping his head low and his hoodie on as the bus continued its usual route. The same routine but a different day, this was his life.

A/N: Thank you aathmanr for going over everything prior and for your suggestions!

Published: 17th October 2023
Word count: 1109

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