Chapter 9: My Monster

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My eyes widen and my mouth falls open.

Maybe I heard him wrong, right?

"W-What?" I whisper back.

"I've killed whole packs, Ollie. Not just someone." He whispers back.

My mate is a monster.

"But why?" I ask timidly.

I'm sure he has a good reason. Yeah, that's it.

"It's part of being an Alpha." He shrugs.

"And it didn't or doesn't bother you? Like your conscience?" I ask.

He laughs harshly, "No, those people's life's don't matter."

I felt my blood boiling, "Some people may think your life doesn't matter."

"I am above other people, Ollie. I'm the Alpha." He sighs.

I stand up, pushing him away from me.

"I don't know who you are, or what you've done with my mate. But you're definitely not the Colby I know." I say looking in his eyes.

I seen hurt flash through them, then I turn and walk out the door.

I get to my truck, and start it.

I gave one last look to the house, before I put my truck in reverse and left.


I pull into the driveway of my house. I see Blaines' truck, and Britts' jeep is still here.

I walk inside, and didn't say a word.

I just walked into my room.

I pulled on an oversized T shirt and some shorts, I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and crawled under the covers of my bed.

I scream as my arm brushes something hard, and I leap out of my bed.

Blaine leaps up and looks at me with wide eyes.

"Holy crap Blaine! You gave me a heart attack!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry I thought you were staying at Colbys' house." He whispers as he hugs me tight.

"Yeah I decided to come home." I shrug, not really wanting to talk about mine and Colbys fight.

Blaines eyes glaze over and his eyebrows nit together.


I crawled under the covers in my queen size bed and pulled them up over my head.

"Ollie?" Blaine whispers.

"Yeah?" I ask back as silent tears flow down my face.

My mates a monster. How could I get paired with such an awful person?

"Did you and Colby get into a fight?" He asks timidly.

"Maybe." I say back as my voice shakes.

He crawls under the covers next to me. He lifts them off my head and wipes my tears away.

"He's looking for you." He sighs.

"And you told him I was here." I say shaking my head.

"I had to. Please don't be mad." He says shaking.

"I'm not mad." I say as I get up. I grab a pair of jeans and a t shirt that actually fits.

I go into the bathroom and change, I grab my tennis shoes and put them on.

Puppy LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora