A Stint at solo

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July 1999

Jihoon appeared in front of the studio dressed like a magnetic prince. Jihoon had every right to be excited, this would be his moment to shine, alone. Since he was a boy he wanted to dance on stage and now this was opportunity. The world shall know Rain.

The song was created from a New Jack Swing beat, Jihoon's favorite. He got his feet warmed up with some stretches and jumping jacks. This was something he would always do before a workout. If he wanted his legs in optimal condition, then he needed to make sure his muscles were functioning.

While he is singing and rapping, the voices of trainee Hwanee and an American Brain Joo who served as backing vocals. The backup dancers featured Sanghoon, Somin, and coincidentally named Jung Jihoon, Jiyoung, and Jaewon nicknamed Black Beat Posse. The girl featured in the video was none other than Jang Nara. Her visuals easily captured the essence of the song.

-Sorry for the lack of lyrics. The original group is so obscure I couldn't find any remote lyrics. :(

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