A New Offer

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February 1999

"I got your call like you said Sooman-nim." Jihoon entered the office room.

"Thanks for showing up here Jihoon-ah. I wanted to discuss something with you regarding your position in H.O.T." Sooman placed his palms down.

"Am I in trouble for something?"

"Oh no! It's nothing of that sorts. I'm about to lend an offer. You can choose to take it or not just know it will be a lot of work." Sooman said.

Rain perked his ears in interest.

"Sounds like it's something urgent. Is there some promotion going on?" Jihoon questioned.

"I offer you a chance to promote with your juniors. Apart from H.O.T. in another group."

Jihoon was confused until he pieces together what he was saying. His jaws were open at the suggestion.

"You can't be serious ajusshi! You want me to join Shinhwa!? B-But they're already debuted. Wouldn't this complicate things?"

"You're a smart one Jihoon -ah. Yes, that means you will be a part of Shinhwa. Now let me explain further. Yes, you will be part of Shinhwa, BUT you will still remain on your normal dorms. To make things simpler you will only be apart of Shinhwa promotions when they are releasing comebacks. When H.O.T starts promoting then you will return like you have always been doing. This is what I mean by having a lot of work. I know this may be confusing and I don't expect things to be perfect. I rather offer it you with the full disclosure. You choose however feels comfortable. I'll give you a week to decide. Until then you are dismissed." Sooman explained everything before Jihoon bowed goodbye.

"Being part of Shinhwa? How would that work? It's not like I can join right away. What would fans react? They would see it as betrayal and the Changjos probably wouldn't welcome me. Most importantly how do the hyungs feel about that?" Jihoon shook his head returning to his dorms where he related the information to Kangta and Jaewon.

"Woah are you serious? You're telling me the old man wants you to be with our juniors?" Kangta stated causing Jaewon to spit the drink he was having.

"M-Mwo! What kind of offer is that!? Is he out of his rocker!? That's a terrible idea! Imagine how much conflict our fans have towards Shinhwa. That's like a mad recipe for disaster!" Jaewon exclaimed.

"I kinda agree man. This doesn't sound like a wise move. In any case this will interfere with our formation. You can't honestly expect to be in two places in once?" Kangta said.

"He said I only need to appear when Shinhwa is promoting a new comeback. Once our group starts practice is when I'll come back. Basically, I'll be switching back and forth between you guys all year." Jihoon was starting to feel anxious. This just sounds like a lot of work. How could he manage being in two groups? Was ajusshi trying to punish him?

"I wouldn't worry about man. You got a whole week to think this out. Give it time. Let's just sleep now my muscles are aching sore." Kangta reassured as the trio went to bed.

Jihoon was having a nightmare. He could see the hundreds of fans feeling betrayed, some were holding pitchforks demanding him to be removed. He grew nervous as the heckling grew louder. Right there beside them was the look of disappointment from his juniors.

"You're a waste of space Jihoon-ah you should've stayed with H.O.T"

"Hyesung hyung."

"You're only a liability for us. Why does ajusshi give you special favors."

"Dongwon hyung..."

"I don't know why ajusshi chose you. You're making our entire group look bad."

Jung Jihoon, The Original Maknae: An H.O.T/Shinhwa StoryWhere stories live. Discover now