[ CODE ; 015 ] Come Back To Me.

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With the offense team dispersed with a couple of clones (Ocs) following after them, the defense team in Bankou Hall were in lying wait, surveying if there are any upcoming trouble. At the moment however, Kenji was preoccupied rearranging the boxes, Fukuzawa was reading over and arranging some documents, Ranpo and Yosano were going over the security footage while Aeri was typing along her own laptop— serving as the communication between both the offense teams.

In reality though she was anxiously checking her email for her university application approval.

"Yosano-sensei," Ranpo waved his hands to get the doctor's attention. "I'm bored"

"Let's play a game!" He suggested smiling with glee.

"As much as I wanna go out I know for sure that the mafia will target me as the ADA's main strategist."

"Nothing out of the ordinary on the security cameras?" Inquired Fukuzawa, glancing as Ranpo typed on a different tab.

"None so far." The detective whined, "I've exhausted most of my snacks so... Why don't we play mahjong on here Yosano?"

"Oya?" A devilish grin appeared on the doctor's face. "On what stakes?"

"How about the communications, Aeri?" Fukuzawa turns towards the brunette who was feverishly typing on her laptop.

"Clear..." she replied tiredly. "Have Kenji-kun set up the traps?"

"Loads of it!" Kenji beamed, smiling as he leans towards the older girl. "What'cha doing there Aeri-san?"

"College applications..." she blinked. "It's pretty boring and stressful..."

"But aren't you already Chuuya-san's manager?"


"Hold it..." Ranpo sat up as something flickered on the screen.

"What's wrong?" Asked Yosano, looking over towards Ranpo's laptop.

"President," Ranpo turns to Fukuzawa, his expression grim.

"Someone got in."

With that, Aeri sprung in her seat practically jumping at Ranpo who was at the table beside hers.

"Who...?!" Her eyes widened as a red headed figure appeared on the screen.

"How many are there?" Fukuzawa asked urgently.

"One." Ranpo and Aeri chorused, turning the laptop towards the president to reveal the boss' right hand man. Sakunosuke Oda.

"Cameras 2 and 5 are down!" Aeri exclaimed, knowing fully well how skilled Oda is with guns.

"I know this guy." Said Ranpo. "The president and I met him years ago..."

"He's the guy Chuuya saved..." He mumbled.

"I come in peace." Said Oda as his voice reverberated through the security cam. "The boss wants to send a message. Though I can't disclose it if we're not talking face to face."

"I'll go." Said Ranpo. "I'm non-combative there's I higher chance he will not attack of any of express any hostile actions because of our abilities."

"Take Aeri with you." Said Fukuzawa making the girl snap her head towards him in surprise. Well, she was already surprised with how Yosano and Kenji weren't the ones being sent.

"But I'm not—"

"Alright." Said Ranpo seriously, grabbing the girl's wrist and practically dragging her with him.

"I know this isn't the story that you've come to know, and write." Ranpo started as soon as the were out the door and into the empty railway.

"But I know you're doing this for us, especially for Chuuya. I'll help you guys continue the story, for now, let's see how things go, okay?"

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