Detective Friends

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Its been 2 days after our not so date lunch with Becky. Guess what? we exchange messages after that. We updating each other. Send each other selfies, sounds weird but this is the truth. Is this what I'm feeling right now is really valid? Because I'm scared this feeling will make me forget to whom really I belong to. Its been 2 days also I've been avoiding my annoying friends. For sure they will only ruin my day....... 

Speaking of the devil, here they are 3 devils standing outside my house! Oh god, what do I do wrong in my past life? For sure I'm going to die because of their questions and answer tonight. I have no choice anyway, they are here. How they know I'm home by the way? They are so annoying!

Tee: Here you are rat! Try to run away huh?

Heng: I'm gonna tie you for real!

Nam: Well, stop your stupid confusing face. Whats going on? Irin is doing her job to Becky, we are doing our job to yours!

Freen: What? You shouldn't ask Irin bother Becky you know?

Nam: Shut up! Now tell us whats happening, we are so confused and cant sleep to think all of this!

Freen: Alright, alright. You guys wont really let me live in peace aren't you? We just.... enjoy the moment okay? Nothing serious. We just enjoy talking to each other. Spending time together. But no label okay? We are just friends. 

Heng: Is that so? Why you look so happy and alive when you're spending time with Becky? Does Becky still give you big impact?

Freen: I don't know, Heng. I'm still thinking about Ana.. we haven't break up. you know? I don't know where she is.

Nam: That's why we are concern of you. We don't want you to hurt either one of them. They are so precious. Both of them. I don't care if you're the one hurting here.

Freen: You are not really my friend you know?

Tee: Hahahahaha! enough guys. its not Freen fault after all? Ana choose to leave? And what? Freen have to wait like a dumb? Without any explanation?

Heng: Goddamn Tee! Its because she hurt Ana.

Tee: Freen choose Ana! Ana decided to leave.

Nam: I hate to say this but Tee is on point. But still, Ana is your girlfriend here.

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