The first Encounter

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Feel so good to be back here. I love this feeling. What am I gonna do today? I should ask Irin to go out with me. Or, should I go see........... Freen? Should I ask forgiveness and be together again? Today all I want to do is go to our usual places. Eat to our regular place and the foods. I miss Freen so much. Did she miss me too? She still love me?

Ring Ring Ring...

Becky answered.

Irin: Hey kid! Are you awake? Would you like to go out? I have something to say.

Becky: Yes I was about to call you too and thinking of you and I have something to say too!

Irin: I will be there in 20minutes. Get your ass up now! and Nop will join too, but he's coming after his working hours. 

Becky: Okay bye!

After an hour of talk and yes we missed each other so much. 

Irin and I finally arrived at the restaurant. We start ordered...

Irin: You start first. 

Becky: Hm. Don't hate me for saying this but how is Freen? can i go see her? I miss her, Irin. Can i? Can you tell me? Can you bring me? Irin... Can you help me?

Irin look at me deeper. Obviously, Irin didn't like my idea. 

Irin: Becky, you need to....

Becky: Hey Ana! Hey OMG! Its really you.. what are you..

Irin is about to say something more but I saw Ana coming in the same restaurant, I'm so excited to see Ana, its been years! Ana was so surprised to see me too....

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