Day Ten.

98 8 14

Suicide TW

Stanley and Jim met at the graveyard, standing on top of Narry's grave. 

"Who'd you bang last night?" Jim asks. 

"What? No one-" 

"Dont lie to me, every vamp in this damn village heard you two going at it." 

Suddenly, a vampire ran to Jim grabbing his arm. 

"Narry isn't dead! He killed someone last night!" She says, urgently, Jim looks at Stanley who seemed just as shocked as he looked back at him. 

"What? I saw him getting buried." Stanley says, stepping in - it couldn't have been Narry, he was with Stanley all night.

"I watched Stanley kill him." Jim says, his teeth baring and Stanley steps in between him and the vampire. 

"Don't take it out on her. Maybe Noah killed them, he was in training to be a hunter, right?

"It was definitely Narry- I.. I saw him!" she yelled, angry that she wasn't being believed - Stanley held his hand behind his back, waggling his finger at her as if to say leave it. 

"Listen, I killed Narry, okay? You're safe. Who did he kill?" Stanley says calmly and she looks away for a second. 

"Curator." She mumbles and Stanley's face drops about half a mile, his face going even paler, if that was even possible, he looked over the girls shoulder at people carrying in a woman wrapped in a blanket, Mariella by her side, wiping the tears that fell down her face seemingly to no end.

Stanley immediately walked over, grabbing her hand, as she looked up at him, burying her head into his chest, sobbing as she hugged him and he hugged her back. 

"Did..?" He starts. 

"It was Narry.." She mumbled, gripping his shirt as she broke down. 

Stanley stayed for the funeral, staying by her side as they buried her wife, holding her close. She could tell Stanley was angry, unruly angry, and she was glad he stayed by her side, and even walked her home afterwards.

Stanley walked to Narry's house immediately after, slamming the door open as he stepped inside. Narry was sat, sharpening his stake, he didn't flinch when the door slammed open, he didn't seem to care about how angry Stanley was. 

Maybe he'd finally see this angry man everyone told him about. 

He walked over to him, snatching the stake from him, snapping it in half before grabbing him by his collar, dragging him outside - Narry didn't bother fighting back. 

Jim stood at the end of the street, smiling slightly as he watched Stanley beat the ever living shit out of the hunter. 

He punched, slapped, kicked, slammed him into the ground and choked him - Narry tried his best to fight back and defend himself, but to no avail did he come close to saving his own life. 

By the time Stanley was done, he was shaking, his breathing was heavy and he had blood staining his clothes and hands. He stared at the unconscious man beneath him, bringing his wrist up. 

"Self control, my ass.." He muttered, making a reference to an older chapter for those readers who don't remember.

He dug his teeth in, pretty deep - the pain causing Narry to shoot back awake, grabbing Stanley's hair with his other hand. 

Stanley ignored him, drinking his blood, gallons and gallons of it in just under a few minutes that even Jim had to pull him off. 

"Calm down." He said, stroking Stanley's hair while Narry laid, breathing heavily as his blood poured out onto the ground around him, he was unable to control his breathing, as it wouldn't slow down, causing him to become light headed as he looked around for help, tears involuntarily escaping his eyes. 

Stanley got up, pushing Jim off, causing him to his back off the wall, wincing in pain.

"You are a dick, Narry." Stanley says, pushing his foot down onto the old stab wound, causing him to groan loudly in pain. 

"First you tell me you love me, you fuck me, and wait until I'm asleep to kill one of our friends?!" He yells at the man on the floor, applying more pressure. 

"You.. tried to kill me.." He barely got out, pushing himself up into a sitting position. 

Stanley only kicks him back down, his nose making a loud cracking sound as it comes in contact with his foot, blood started pouring down his face and Stanley walked off - Vampires jumped at the chance to feed on the vulnerable, injured man, and by the time they all got their fill - he was dead, actually dead this time. 

Stanley headed to Mariella's house, knocking on the door, before walking in - he sat beside her while she cried on the sofa. 

They both sat in silence for a while. 

"I killed him.." He muttered, glancing at her for her reaction.

"I don't wanna be around here, Stanley." She told him, leaning on him and he wrapped his arm around her. 

"You're planning on ending it, aren't you?" He asks and she nods. 

"You are too, huh?" She asks, wiping her eyes a little. 

"We're so predictable to each other, aren't we?" Stanley asks and she nods, and the two go back to silence. 


Stanley stood and dug his friends graves.

Narry wasn't so much his friend anymore, but he dug him one out of the little respect he had left for him before kicking the body into it, burying it. 

He dug Mariella's grave right next to Curator's, gently laying her body in it. He knew there was no stopping her, Curator was the only reason for her to live, but it saddened him seeing the happiest girl he knew so upset. 


And then there were two.

Stanley and Jim.

Bet you didn't even think of the stars.

Each one represented the role of a person who would eventually die. 

And when that person died, a star was removed.

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