Night Six.

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Narry wandered the streets, his walking stick held tight as he searched for vampires. They saw him and scowled, moving away, not even bothering to give him a chance to kill them. Narry furrowed his brows, fed up of it as he threw his walking stick at the wall, pissed off. 

Curator didn't even stop to talk to him as she passed him. He stared at her, folding his arms as she has her fists clenched. Something was wrong with everyone, and worst of all, no one had seen Stanley. 

Narry started to follow her down the street, limping as he left his walking stick behind. She knew he was following her which is why she turned into the forest, disappearing behind a tree, but Jim appeared behind him, his arms folded. 

"You wanted to know about Stanley, huh?" He asks, a small smirk playing on his lips. Narry turns to look at him, nodding slightly. "He left a while ago, pissed off about something or other." He sighs, leaning on a tree. 

"Do you know the reason why?" He mutters, leaning on his good leg as he stared at Jim. 

"Everyone knows the reason why. You argued in broad daylight." 

Jim's grin met Narry's frown. 

"I only wanted to help him." Narry says, trying to justify himself. 

"Oh yeah, my best friend, soon-to-be boyfriend has a traumatic past he hadn't told me about for a reason, let me go ask a guy who humiliated him and tried to kill him for the reason why. Can't be a bad idea can it?" He asks a rhetorical question. 

Narry looked down, "We weren't ever going to date." He says, a tone of seriousness in his voice. Jim raised an eyebrow. 

"Stanley left, dunno when he'll be back." Jim sighs, walking Narry back to his house. "For now though, you should stay home. Vamps who didn't care about Stan before today are pissed at you, and are wanting to kill you." Jim hums, opening the door, pushing Narry onto the sofa before turning to the door where Mariella stood. 

She was pissed off.

Mariella walked inside, pushing Jim aside as he leaned on the door frame watching her glare at Narry who was avoiding eye contact. 

"I'm sorry." He mutters, being met with a hard slap. 

"Sorry will not cut it." She snaps at him, her hand the shame shade as his reddening cheek - his cheek stung badly, but he didn't dare move. "I love Stanley more than anything in this life, and you best believe that I will not hesitate to make him cut you out of his life if it comes to it." She stands there for a second, before wiping her eyes. 

"You best hope you can save yourself as fast as you saved my marriage." She mutters, leaving the house - Jim closes the door, walking to sit beside him, one of his legs crossing over the other. 

"Slapped by a woman." He says with a slight chuckle.

"Leave me alone." Narry whispers, barely audible. Jim stares at him, getting up, stretching his arms. 

"You fucked up. Badly." He says, and Narry leans forward, his head in his hands while Jim leaves. 

Once the door closed, Narry broke down. He'd only known Stanley for 6 days, but he'd already been such an important part in his life. Slowly, he got up, leaving the house, not bothering to lock his door as he limped down the street - vampires stared at the man as tears stained his face, while he didn't bother to wipe them away.

He headed for Noah's house, banging on the door which was opened shortly after to a shirtless Noah, hickeys forming on his neck. 

"What, man? I'm busy." He says, rolling his eyes, his trousers wrinkly after being on the floor for a while. 

"Where's Stanley? You know him best." Narry says, almost accusing him of hiding him. 

"Last time I told you anything about him, I ruined both our lives, get lost." He starts to close his door as to which Narry stops him, leaning his weight on his bad leg. "Hang on, have you been crying?" Noah asks, taking a closer look at Narry who wipes his face. 

"I don't cry." He says, pushing his way inside, sitting down to stretch his leg. 

"I forgot, you're a hunter. Yadah, yadah. I'm not telling you where Stanley is, so you can sit down here, rest your leg up, I'm off to finish with this woman." Noah says, walking to the stairs while Narry leans back, putting his leg up, resting it on Noah's coffee table. 

Noah stares at him for a second, before walking upstairs. Narry sighs, looking around, he spots a photo frame, getting up, walking over to pick it up. 

At a closer look, he saw it was Noah when he first took him on as an apprentice, next to a young Stanley who looked socially awkward as the two leaned on each other - Noah held a stake and Stanley had a vampire costume on. 

Noah walked back down, sending the woman out as he pulled his shirt on, heading over to Narry, leaning on him. He looked at the picture and sighed quietly.

"Back when everything was fine." He mutters and Narry hums in response. 

"That stake, where'd you get it?" He asked and Noah shrugged, picking up the photo frame. "I thought you didn't like Stanley, why do you have the picture if you don't like him?" 

"I don't like what he's become. I miss when we were friends, and had silly fun like that." Noah tells him, walking to sit down with the picture in hand. 

"You don't like that he's a vampire?" Narry asks, leaning on the wall.

"I don't like that he drinks blood, or is dating the man who's supposed to be teaching me to hunt vampires, or that he doesn't get angry like he used to." Noah says, putting it on the sofa next to him. "If he got angry like he did back then, he'd have no issues right now. He'd be with you, he'd be alright." Noah adds on. 

"How angry did he get?" Narry asks, and Noah chuckles a little.

"I'd have girls over, and he'd break shit if he got no sleep, he was a real piece of work but he was my house mate and best friend. He knew how to stand his ground. People were scared of him, now, he gives into anything you ask him to do." Noah sighs. 

"Do you know where he'd be?" Narry asks, sounding hopeful. 

"I know Stanley, mate. He won't want anyone going after him, and I'm respecting my former house mates wishes." Noah says, getting up, heading for the stairs again.

"Tell me about his family, please. If I'm never gonna see him again, it's the last thing I wanna know about him." Narry asks. 

"Tomorrow. Now, get some rest." Noah says, turning away from him.

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