Part 13

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She screamed his name and ran to him. She knealed down to him, turned him to her, but his eyes were close.

''Joyce-'', Karen started, but one glance from Joyce to her made her shut her mouth.

She checked his breathe, but he wasn't breathing. That scared her. She slowly got up and dragged his body to the exit of the room where was some oxygen now, and she started doing CPR. But he didn't even move.

''Don't do this to me Jim don't fucking do this'', she cried, but she continued doing it anyway. She started loosing her hope after a while, bursting into tears. She use the mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration after that.

After a while, his eyes really shot open and he started gasping for air. Joyce smiled and hugged him tieghtly, nearly making him loose the oxygen once again. He hugged her back, still disoriented and surprised.

''I don't want to break yall moment but you know the camera is still on and propably saw everything, right, Joyce?'', Karen whispered after a while, staring at the camera.

Both Joyce and Jim(who was still gasping for air) looked up in surprise but nothing happend.

''I think...we should...go..'', Hopper managed to say through his breathing, and Joyce helped him to get up, supporting his shoulder.

The started running away, hoping that they knew where they were running. 

''HEY!!!'', David screamed at them, standing in front of them, ''THIS WAY!'', he pointed and started running that way. They all just followed him. 

While running, Hopper got his strnght back and he didn't need help from Joyce anymore. He was sprinting behind them as fast as he could. At the near end of the wall, there was wall with 'exit' sign. All four of them were excited to just ran past the exit, but before that happend, a guards from behind started shooting.

Joyce and Karen screamed and David stopped, letting both of the women ran past him. He got behind Hopper and pushed him to ran quickly. Luckily, as he could notice, the shots didn't hit Hopper.

''I got your back'', he whispered. At same time he knew that the guards wouldn't dare to try and shoot him, which they didn't. They started running behind them, but it was already too late for them to catch them. And also, they didn't want to. They also wanted to just leave.

''What happend to Tim?'', Hopper asked when they were safe.

''Let's say I taught him a lesson, he won't bother anyone anymore'', David smiled weirdly, but soon enough his emotions changed to worried one. ''Are you okay?''

''I am fine, thanks for asking, brother'', Jim smiled at him.

Three weeks later

''SO you are telling me that you helped them only because Karen got a hand on you?'' He couldn't stop laughing, the idea just made him wheezee hard.

''HEY THAT'S NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT IT'', David shouted, red from embarassment.

''Ohohohooo someone got a girl?'', Hopper joked when he saw his step-brother being red.

''WHAT?! TAKE THAT BACK!'', Karen said when she releazed what he meant by that, and Jim began to laugh even more.

''Actually they don't sound like a bad couple, what do you think, Jim?'', Joyce said, giggling.

''JOYCE YOU BETRAYER'', Karen shouted angrily.

Both Jim and Joyce looked at each other and burst into laugh once again.

David just rolled his eyes and stood up. 

''I am out of here'', he said coldly, walking into Joyce's kitchen. Karen followed him with annoyed look.

''Hmmm they are going to have a taaaaalk'', Hopper smirked, watching as they both left. 

Joyce giggled again and moved closer to Hopper, resting her head on his shoulder.

''I am glad you are alright and here, with me'', she smiled at him, giving him a kiss on cheek. Hopper blushed as she did it.

''I am also glad to be back'', he admitted, gently grabbing her face into his hands. 

They stared at each other for a while, none of them dared to move. Hopper sighed and moved closer, gently pressing his lips against hers in long, passionate kiss.

Joyce wrapped her hands around his neck, moving closer to him. She sat on his lap as they continued kissing, but then, Chester jumped on the couch, freaking out Joyce. She let out a silent scream before she releazed that it was her dog.

''Chester oh my god!'', she said, but she eventually started giggling with Hopper.

''He knows where to break fun'', Hopper said while chuckling with Joyce.

AAAAND the end! Thank you for reading all of you! It was really amazing experience to write this, and I hope you enjoyed this book!<3


The Showman [Jopper fanfic]     |•|FINISHED|•|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora