Part 12

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When Joyce, Karen and David entered the building, they met few people. They reminded Joyce of bodyguards. They were big and they looked strong. Joyce was scared that all of this was just a trap. But, to her surprise, David told them something and they left them alone.

They had a fresh walk until David stopped and looked at them nervously. He put his hand to his hair and stopped both of the women.

''I will go up and distract my father, so you can go see him. He will be in a room in front of those stairs, down there. Alright?''

''But what do we do there-?''

''Nothing much, Karen...You don'T have keays. The only one who has keys is my father. I will grab them meanwhile. Yet you cannot go with me plus I cannot leave you right here. If you will be close to the room where they keep Hopper it would be the best.'', David explained, waved and hurried upstairs.

Joyce looked at Karen and sighed, taking first steps downstairs. She wondered how they tortured Hopper, and she hoped it wouldn't be bad. She hoped she wouldn't see him in blood, laying on the floor and dying. She shaked the idea of and walked down with Karen next to her.

They looked all over the hall and the only thing they saw were glasses. They looked at them and releazed that there were big rooms with weapons on, propably torturing people. Every room had different one.

It scared Joyce. They walked to the glass in front of them and then they saw him. He was laying on the white floor, no blood anywhere, not even some kind of weapon close to him. In the room there was only him and a chair.

Joyces eyes opened wide, the only thing she had in mind was to get him out quickly. She screamed his name and knocked on the glass. He didn't seem to notice which scared her and she bounced more loudly.

Then, he finally got up.

''Hopper! Hopper here!'', she shouted, still bouncing at the glass. Karen just stared at him silently. He seemed shocked to see them around, and he tilted his head before walking closer.

He whispered something, but neither Joyce or Karen heard anything. They looked at each other.

''Could he,...could the glass mute sounds...?'', Joyce said, her eyes opening wide. Karen nodded.

Joyce sighed and put her hand on the glass, looking at Hopper with sad smile. To her surprise, he followed the movement and also smiled sadly. Then, Hopper turned around.

''What is he doing-?'', Karen asked, watching him.

''No idea..'', Joyce sighed, also staring at Hopper.

He walked over the chair, grabbing it and with seemingly all of his strenght throwing it on the glass. At first, both of them jumped back from fear. But Joyce knew. He tried to break the glass, but he didn't even made a crack on it.

It made her cry. If David failed right now, no one would help him. He would die in front of her eyes, no matter what kind of torture would happen to him. 

''I will go wait for David,...okay?'', Karen whispered, looking at Joyce now. She nodded, crying still. She couldn't stop.

She watched as Hopper came back to the glass, putting his forehead there, resting. She followed the movement, also resting her head on the glass. They were staring at each others eyes for a while, neither of them moved.

She sighed after a while, whispering 'I will be right back', and turning away. She needed to find Karen and David, and save him. She couldn'T stay there and watch him helplessly.

She walked upstairs carefully, looking from left to right. But no Karen or David. Where were they? She turned around and decided to go back, but then she heard him.

''Shhh...over there'', David whispered. She turned around and walked to him.


When he walked to his fathers room, he knocked gently. 

''Come in'', his father said, and he walked inside.

''Hey, father'', David said with wide smile. Tim smiled as soon as he spotted his son.

''Oh David...great you are here! Wanna watch as that rat slowly dies?'', Tim asked.

''N-...well I wanted to ask you'', he said, looking at the screen as he noticed Joyce and Karen were visible there. He gulped.

''Oh, what is it?''

''I meant we would walk inside different room, you know-?''

''Well but we are in private here'', his father said, pretty confused.

''I know! I- I just thought- uh- I wanted to show you something?'', he quickly said, not sure what else say.

''Oh-? Why didn't you said that earlier!'', Tim said, getting up from his chair and walking to his son.

David exhaled and turned around, walking outise of the control room. But where to go?

''What did you wanted to show me, son?'', Tim asked after a while.

''It's a- surprise'', David said nervously. H eneeded to make up something quickly. They walked even more upstairs, ending at the roof. Once there, David decided to make a little bit more radical step.

''Here it is father!'', David said with a smile, turning to look at his father.

''Huh- I don't see anything, son''

''It'S because it's right behind you!'', David said with a smile, watching as his father turned around, and when he turned back, David punched him hardly that his father fell on the floor and passed out.

''Ah yes, those hours of self defense'', Hopper smiled to himself and quickly walked back on the stairs, locking the doors and then he sprinted back to the control room.

But on his way back, he met Karen.

''Oh- there you are! Do you have the keys-?''

''No I am just coming back for them'', David said and took hand of Karen, leading her to the control room. There he grabbed the keys and smiled wildly.

''Uh- where's your father may I ask-?'', Karen asked silently.

''Oh- I took care of him'' David said, pointing on Karen to get out of the room. They ran quickly away, making their way down. But suddenly, David heard his father. His voice was angry and mocking.

''Fuck...he got out'', he whispered and led Karen behind the wall. Karen gasped as he did so, but she became silent as soon as she heard people walking past them.

''There's propably people with him'', Tim said angrily.

''We'll catch them, boss'', one of the guards said.

As soon as they walked away, Karen and David looked at each other in worry. After then, they heard another steps. But these were coming from opposite direction. They froze there at place, listening. When the movements stopped, David looked behind the wall and he noticed Joyce.

''Shhh...over there'', he whispered, pointing on Joyce. She looked at them and walked to them slowly, not understanding what they were doing at that place.

''My father knows we are here'', David annoucment in worry.

''I swear if this is a stupid trap''

''It is not Joyce, calm down'', Karen rolled her eyes. Joyce just sighed and looked at them both.

''I don't think Hopper is doing good. I watched him for a while, his breathing is very low.'', she said after that.

''That is because he is in room that is slowly deprived of oxygen'', David whispered.

''a- A WHAT?!'', Joyce raised her voice.

''SHHHH'', Karen whispered

''SHHHH'', David repeated.

Joyce just rolled her eyes and then shot David with her murderous face.

''I swear to god if you don'T have that stupid key at the moment I am going to kill you right here''

''I do have it! For god's sake oh my god!-'', David whispered in worry.

''What do we do now, then?'', Karen asked, raising her eyebrow as she stared at David.

''The best thing we can do now is slowly crawl on the other side of the building and get to the place where the doors are, so we can open them, but we must be quick.''


His breathing got worse. For a while, he couldn't controll it and he tried to catch his breathe. He just waisted a lot of oxygen. Why? Because of sadness. He didn't want to die here, he was trying to get away, but there was nothing he could do, only to sit there, hugging his knees. 

''Oh, you're still here, huh?'', Tim said after a while, making Hopper shiver and wonder. What did he meant by that?

Was there something wrong with him being inside still? Could...Joyce and Karen be real? 

The idea hit him. If they were real, they were in horrible danger. He swallowed hardly and looked up at the camera with scared face. He waited for reaction.

''Oh you don't know? Those three idiots are trying to 'save you'. But considering your stage of oxygen, I don't think it's possible.'', he said, laughing hysterically.

'Three? Who was the third', tickled Hoppers mind. He didn't know anyone who would try to get him out of there. His head fall down as he thought who could actually help Joyce and Karen, but then the idea hitted him. It could be David, couldn't he be?

He was thinking propably too long, because when after a while he releazed that his vision was getting blurry. He didn't had a lot of oxygen. After another while, he started coughing. He couldn't breathe. As his vision and breathing got worse, his coughing got also worse. After another few minutes, he fell to the ground without the strength to get up.

He was so sure that he was going to die and he didn't even mind to care. He just wished it was already over. He closed his eyes, and already prepared to death..


''How long is this going to take?!'', she groaned. They were walking for atleast 5 minutes now and it seemed like never ending story.

''We are close, trust me'', David sighed, and at the end of the wall he stopped.

''These stairs'', he pointed on them.

''Why are we waiting then?!'', Joyce nearly shouted and started running down.

''Joyce- wait!- is she like that always?'', David rolled his eyes, looking at Karen.

''Sometimes when she has her days'', Karen joked and followed Joyce down. David shrugged and followed both of them.

Not to anyones surprise, there were bodyguards next to the doors. They seemed to have guns, too.

''What are we going to do-?'', Karen whispered silently, watching them from behind the wall.

''The best thing is, leave it on me'', David whispered, having already a plan in his head.

He turned to Joyce and sighed. He handed her a keys, explaining how to open the doors.

''What are you planning?'', she asked in worry.

''I am planning to get caught'', he said in determination, and before either of the girls could stop him, he walked to the guards.

They noticed when he appeared, and they looked at each other in confusion. David gulped and smiled at them.

''Hi boys! Did yall see my father? I needed to talk to him about what happend-'', he said, playing with his hair.

 The quickly put the guns down and grabbed him by his arms, walking to the stairs.

''Woah woah guys you can calm down!'', he chuckled, watching as Joyce and Karen meanwhile crawled around them, and ran to the doors. He smiled softly, hoping that it wasn't already late.


As soon as they came to the doors, Joyce started unlocking them and used the code that David whispered to them. She seemed very afraid, her hands shaking horribly, but she managed to open it. 

After that, she pushed the doors open and burst inside, coughing from no lack of oxygen inside. She looked around and spotted Hopper laying on the floor lifelessly. He eyes opened wide.

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