Part 8

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Hopper woke up next morning on his floor, and he sniffed, releazing he was smelling badly. He made a disgusted face and oicked himself up, deciding to take a shower.

For nearly 15 minutes he forgot what happend yesterday, and the only thing he was focusing on was to make himself smelling great again.

After a hot bath, he made himself a breakfast, Ham and Eggs. He was eating slowly, turning on the Tv. He was watching morning news for a while, but then he got bored of it and he turned the television off.

Wondering how he end up sleeping on the floor, he went to take a look inside his bedroom, however, he didn't even need to find the papery the only thing he needed to see was fake blood on his bed to understand.

He sighed heavily, trying not to hyperventilate again. He decided to clean this room, real quick.

After a hour of re-creating his room for better, he sat on his bed and sighed heavily, thinking.

He slapped himself and tried not to think about it, however even if he tried to concentrate on the Friday show, the words for paper still hit him, hard.

As he knew David, he was pretty sure that the "Tuesday" deadline would become shorter by an "accident". That always happend to his victims.

Even if Jim was a little kid back then, he remembered pretty greatly the traps he liked to do. Sadly, one of the traps was victims family.

That was the time when Hopper decided to check on Joyce. He got up and dressed himself, decided to drive to her, but before he could even step from his apartment, his phone rang.

He sighed heavily and picked his phone, not expecting the call that was going to happen.


She couldn't control her breathe, everything hurt her. The choice she was going to do could kill both of them, but if she wouldn't try, he would end her, too.

"C'mon. Do it", David said, unpatient.

So Joyce walked to her phone, grabbed it up and dialed Hopper's number. When no one was answearing and she saw David slowly picking the gun up, she started panicking.

"C'mon, Hop, p-please", she murmured, her voice silently shaking. She called him once again, hoping he would pick it up. Sudenly, she heard his voice.

"Yea Joyce?", He asked happily.

But she was quiet. Nothing could make her way through the telephone. Tears appeared in her eyes as she took deep breathe.


"He wants the money, or he takes my life", she simply said to the phone, closing her eyes as she stood there. Nothing seemed right anymore.

The other side was silent. "Joyce. Where is he.", Hopper asked urgently, worry clearly hitting his voice tone.

"In my home", she cried silently, knowing that the man heard everything from behind her, bur she didn't care.

"I'll be there in a minute", Hopper said and hang off.

"Great job, Ma'am Maldonado!", The man laughed a bit, before stepping closer to her, the gun in his hand.

She stepped away, pulling a chair in his way.

"S-stay back! Asshole!", She murmured, her eyes landing on Chester. Her poor puppy was laying on the floor, tied up with leather after he tried to injure David.

"Oh my dear Joyce, I will stay back", he smiled softly, walking back to the place where he was before. He sat down on her chair, making himself feel like he was in his own home.

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