Part 11

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''For fucks sake'', David sighed andrubbed his face before looking at her again.

''I told you everything. There's nothing more that I know!'', he shouted but when he did, Karen slapped him. He ouched and shot her with his angry eyes, but nothing much scared this woman.

''SO you are saying that you have no idea from what building you just came of, huh?'', She asked angrily, crossing her arms. He sighed.

''I told you I will tell that to Joyce, only to her, her and ONLY HER''

''She is not here right now.'', Karen said coldly.

''Well then I won't say anything'', David shrugged and finally avoided one of Karen's punches.

''Joyce is maybe his 'girlfriend', but she won'T do much. She is not even strong enough to kick someones ass''

''You say'', David murmured.

''I know her since adulthood'', Karen rolled her eyes. Since they were at Hopper's apartment, she wasn'T worried that someone would find them. That's why she dragged him here. Plus, she called Joyce to come there as soon as she will be free.

Sadly, life was still going on, and Joyce needed to take care of Chester and work. So she spent her whole day at library again. Of course Joyce protested and wanted to immidiently go off her work but Karen calmed her down. After all, she needed those money and she couldn't afford another day without work.

''What do we do?'', Karen asked after a while, her eyes scanning him.

''We? What do you mean we?! I am not doing anything! I just came here to tell Joy-''

''You came to tell us, you help us.'', Karen said.

David seemed like he wanted to protest, but he didn't said a word.

''What? Do you think that 'cold stare' can make me say 'okay no'? You have wrong woman on this tactic, sweetie.'', Karen said, sitting next to him. They were silence for a while, before David broke the silence finally.

''Okay Okay, I will help yall, somehow'', he sighed, the idea of helping two dumb women really didn't sound nice.

''Good boy'', Karen murmured, wondering how did they even get into this situation. Her best friend in love with her another friend that was now fighting for his own love, and this dumbass next to her. She sighed.


Since after the phonecall she had with Karen, the only thing she had in head was 'what was it all about?'. She had problem to focuse on her job, and to her luck, today there was really too much people. She served atleast 30 people that day.

When her shift finally ended, she hurried to the bar. Here she nearly ran inside the apartment place and burst into Hoppers one. She didn't know what she was expecting. Maybe Jim, sitting there and chatting with Karen?

However, as soon as she noticed David, she nearly started screaming.

''Hey hey hey it's okay Joyce! He is on our side!'', Karen said quickly, noticing in what position Joyce seemed to be. She quickly hurried to her best friend and hugged her, leading her inside the room.

Joyce seemed confused, angry and scared all in same time. But as soon as she got to David, she closed her eyes, breathing in and out.

''Hi Joyce- uh- I am so sorry- Ouch!?'', he couldn't finish the sentence because Joyce slapped him hardly. She didn't mind how hard the slap was, he deserved it after all.

''Okay that- that was deserved I suppose'', David murmured afterwards.

''What do you want, you piece of sh-''

''Woah woah Joyce! Let's calm down okay?'', Karen said, wrapping her arms around her and stepping back from David.

''What is this all about?!'', Joyce said angrily, looking at Karen.

''He wants to help us'', Karen sighed.

''Yeah I want! I know where Jim is, and what they want to do with him! But- we should hurry'', David said.

''And why is that?'', Joyce asked, raising her eyebrow.

''I am just not sure when they try to kill Jim'', David whispered.


He just sat there. He knew exactly what was coming, so he didn't mind it. No way there would be someone coming to help him out, he was going to die. When the guards came and dragged his chair to different room, he knew that it was going to end soon.

At this new room, there was trully nothing. It was white and there were three walls, and one big dark glass as fourth wall. Hopper knew exactly where he was now, he remembered it here. The room where other poor souls were tortured to die.

When the guards put him there, they untied him up and they were ready if he tried something, but he didn't.

''Oh? Jim you are already reconciled to death? pfft how sad!'', Tim laughed through the speaker that was on one of the walls. On the opposite side there was a camera. Hopper just sighed and sat down on the floor.

''Well, I won't have any interesting fun with you then'', Tim said, chuckling before counted down the time from which the room was supposed to gradually lose oxygen.

Hopper just sighed and lay down, staring at the ceiling. He tried to breathe slowly and not too much. He could atleast repeat his life in silence. He closed his eyes, and thought.

He heard nothing, and that helped him to focuse and concetrate. He was in the middle of his short life when he heard a weird noise. His eyes shot open. Would Tim actually make a trap?

He looked around, trying not to panic and breathe too much. Then, he saw them. Next to the glass. He got up and slowly walked over there, meanwhile looking at the camera and speaker. How was that possible..?-

Another knocing. He saw Joyce knocking on the glass, shouting something, yet he couldn't hear. The glass was too strong that it mutted voices also. He looked at both of Joyce and Karen.

Joyce seemed like tearing a bit, but she had a smile on her face. Karen had her cold face on place, but when he looked at her, she smiled a bit.

''What are you two doing here..?'', he whispered, knowing that either one of them would hear him. They looked at each other and Joyce seemed to saying something again, but she releazed.

She sighed and put her hand on the glass, smiling sadly. Hopper followed her movement and smiled also. Then he remembered. He turned around and picked up the chair, and with big strenght throwing it on the glass.

Half believing and hoping, half knowing, he watched as nothing happend. Not even a crack. And that scared him. He watched as Joyce stared at him, crying. Karen was telling her something and then she walked away, but Joyce stayed.

Hopper couldn't watch her like that. He walked over the glass, putting his forehead there, resting.

Joyce did the same, and for a while there were staring at each others eyes. Then Joyce whispered something and walked away. It was propably ''I will be right back'' or something like this. Hopper sighed and sat down on the floor, trying not to cry.

He either was loosing his mind, or they somehow found a way in and tricked Tim, but,..that was impossible, wasn't it?

However, as Hopper looked up, he slowly felt as breathing was getting worse, and he knew soon enough it will be his vision that would get worse. He was sure that even if Joyce and Karen were real, there's no way they would save him in time. He was already reconciled to death

The Showman [Jopper fanfic]     |•|FINISHED|•|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora