Part 10

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Hopper watched David smacking Joyce with pan, and he ran to do something. He punched David into his face, but in the rage he forgot about the Pan. He was quickly paralyzed also.

The next thing he remembered was the dark room and himself being tied up to a chair. He grunted and tried to get off, but he failed, and instead of freeding himself he fell painfully down with the chair.

''Well well well who do we got here?'', the main said in horrible russian voice, walking towards fallen Hopper. 

''Hey'', Hopper just simply said, not caring for anything anymore. 

''So you won't give us the money?''

''I have nothing to do with your stupid company and money, so, no'', he says innocently.

''Wrong answear'', the man said, punching Hopper hardly. He just whined, feeling the slight pain on his chin.

''Now where's the money, son?''

''I DON'T FUCKING HAVE A MONEY?!'', Hopper shouted, but that earned him another punch to his face.

After a hour or so, Hopper was completely numb. Everything hurt him, and he could just feel blood in his mouth. He constated that his chin was broken.

''This should teach you manners, Jim'', the man said, leaving.

He felt so broken, not only inside, but outside. He knew that this was just a start, and that he would torture him until the very end of his life. She sighed, closing his eyes.


''Jim..?'', David said, walking inside the room. Jim didn't make any noise.

''Hey..'', he whispered, looking at him.

Hopper moved a bit, but his head was still down.

''Look I didn't mean to-''

''What happend, happend'', Hopper said simply.

David just stared at him, before nodding and leaving the room. It took Hopper few minutes to releaze that he was propably trying to help him, and he just threw the moment away.

''FUCK'', he screamed loudly. He bursted into quiet sobs full of pain.

Was he going to die here? If yes, atleast thhat Joyce was save...or not? The sudden idea of her being tortured made him horrified. If she was going to get hurt, he would never forgive himself for that. 

He tried to get out, and fought with the rope for few hours, before his body lost it. He felt so weak, very, very weak. He didn't know what to do, he felt like dying now.

Until, someone opened the doors again.

''You didn't slept whole night, right?'', he said in joke.

''Yeah, very funny, Tim-'', then he got slapped.

''You won't call me my name, only if I tell you so'', Tim said angrily.


''Remember when you used to work here? For us? For me? We had so much fun together'', he giggled.

Hopper just stared at him silently, patiently waiting for his death.

''I know you know how this works, Jim. Now you are just waiting which brutal torturing way I pick, right?'', he smiled insanely.

''Well! I will make it easier to you! No pain, just patient waiting, dear son!''

Hopper thought for a bit, but nothing came to his mind. He looked confusingly at Tim, waiting what is it. When Tim noticed his confusion, he sighed heavily.

''The room slowly coming off the oxygen.''

Hoppers eyes opened wide. So this was the way he was gonna die? 

''Now, good night!'', Tim said, punching him so hardly that he passed out.


Yes, he was like a dog. Doing only what his father said, not what he wanted to do. This whole situation with his step-brother was fun until now, where he watched him getting hurt over and over again.

He wouldn't mind that normaly, but this was man he grew up with. Someone he used to call brother. He remembered old times when they both had fun, when they just acted like innocent little kids. He missed those times honestly.

He didn't want to loose Jim, no matter if he didn'T saw him and talked with him normaly for god knows how long. That's why he made this stupid plan.

''To- look around?'', Tim asked.

''Yeah! We never were in america father, let me explore this place...please!'', he begged.

''Well...'', Tim sighed, looking at his son, ''Yeah sure. For once go and have fun, but don't forget, don't tell anything anyone, and be aware of that crazy woman, she could go to police already.''

''Yes father! Promise!'', David said, walking away. He knew his father wouldn'T have any suspicious. Why would he? David always did what his father said.

The plan was simple. Find Joyce Maldonado, convince her to trust him and then help her save Jim. It sounded easy, yet hard to realize. As soon as he got out of their shelter, he felt watched.

Of course dear Joyce would go on police, so he used his jacket to hide his face. It worked perfectly.

His first station was her house, yet she wasn't there. Of course she wouldn't be there. But her little dog-puppy was, and it started barking very loudly, which scared him. He started running away from her house, making his way to Hopper's apartment.

But before he could get there, someone grabbed him from behind and slammed him against the wall in dark aisle. He blinked several times, trying to spot whoever grabbed him. His eyes widened after a while.

''Karen...'', he whispered.

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