Twenty four

73 6 3

I've lost my touch 🥲Bear with me.


"Fauu!" I looked up from my phone and saw Ilham running up to me.

"Here! forgot your examination slip!" She said between heavy breaths.
I collected it through the window with wide eyes.

"Thanks, babe. I owe you one." I blew her a kiss and rolled up the car window. I nodded at the bolt driver to start the ride.

The trees and cars suddenly became interesting to watch as I got lost in my thoughts.

Today was the day. My JAMB exams begins in fifty minutes time.
My hands were trembling and my heart, beating too fast.

At the venue, we were searched before putting in our fingerprints. Alhamdulillah I got in easily so I quickly found my seat.

The memory of last year's exam was clear as day in my head. We had to stand under the sun for more than an hour. To make it worse, my thumbprint was having issues so I had to wait for everyone to go inside before I was attended to. It was a moment I never wish to go through a second time.

Ya Allah, see me through!


The hot sun kissed my face the moment I stepped out of the building.
I strolled to where I kept my bag and thankfully everything of mine was intact when I checked.

I walked to gate of the building while I tried to call a bolt driver. The network was very bad and the pounding headache I was dealing with wasn't making things better.

I looked around the roadside and it was filled with people selling everything and nothing. The road was bad and I've seen more of motorcycles than cars or taxis. It's a wonder how a place like this exists in Abuja.

I sincerely thanked Allah for having a good life. No matter how much financial problems we were going through, we weren't on the streets, trying to make a living.

There was a good looking shop at the other side of the road, I could use some snacks right now. I raised my gown a little and took careful steps. One wrong move and I could land in a puddle.

Safely on the other side, a repeated honking made me turn around.
The car looked exactly like that of Anas.
It reminded me of how its been three weeks since we last met. We chatted a lot though.

"Get inside, Miss." I looked up from the plate number I was focused on and indeed it was Anas.

I rounded the car and jumped into the passenger side excitedly.

"I didn't tell you the location so you would pick me up, Anas." I playfully glared at him. Last night, he asked me where I was writing it in between our conversation.

"Well, it's not too late to get down." He rolled his eyes at me then got back on the road.

"U'um what's done is done. Kasan wallahi bolt dina ya ki yi sabida rashin network."

"Toh what were you expecting from a place like this? How was it?" He briefly assessed my face to find an answer.
Look at him acting like he can read me.

"I don't know. I thought I was smart and confident but I really don't know." I sighed a long sigh.

If this goes wrong, I don't know what to do with my life again.
Maybe I would just keep working with Smart Minds?
But I desperately want to see myself in a lecture hall, seeking knowledge.
Hhh the uncertainty is eating me up.

"I know you'll ace it. Keep praying, okay?"


Someone took a deep breath then exhaled. Abruptly, I peeped at the back seat and a pair of eyes stared back at me.
I slowly turned my head to see Anas's reaction and he was smiling.
When I turned my head back to the lady, she had a blinding smile decorating her lips.
I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was.

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