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There are times you'll feel like you've messed up big time, or you're back to where you used to be. Don't stress or fret, it's all part of growth. I promise you.
It may take so long for you to find your way up again. Maybe a few weeks. Or months even.
But trust Allah and keep going with the little energy you've got.

Muhsin's Toyota SUV pulled up a few feet away from Bappa Sadu's gate.

The man of the house, Bappa Sadu stepped out just as Muhsin killed the engine.

The streetlights were so bright Bappa Sadu could recognize his niece inside the flashy car.

He was headed for the mosque as the call for Maghrib was made a few minutes ago but it seems he would have to miss praying in the first row today.

The rational side of him decided to wait a few seconds and observe the scene. He watched in bewilderment as the man behind the wheels took a hold of Fauziyyah's hand and placed a kissed on it.

Bappa Sadu almost fainted out of shock.

He couldn't move or  think straight.

He could only wish that his old age was making him see things.

The kiss Muhsin placed on her cheeks did it. Bappa Sadu lets out a loud "Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un (From Allah we are and to Him is our return)."

He then looked around the street to see if anyone was witnessing this abomination.
The street was clear of any living being the eyes could spot.

He walked in quick strides and knocked forcefully on the window of the passenger side.

Fauziyyah hurriedly detached her hands from Muhsin's and alighted from the car, her head downcast.


"Salu nastu sare!(Get in the house right now)" his heart hurt so much he feared what he could do to her.

Fauziyyah practically ran inside, not caring to glance at Muhsin.

"Wayyo Allah yau na shiga uku" she laments immediately she closed the gate.

"Fauziyyah? Dume on fe'ata?(What's happening?) " Ilham who emerged from the backyard with a heap of washed and now dried clothes asked.

"Hande mi boni Ilham (I'm done for in this house)" Fau whispers. She fans her sweaty face with her palms before dragging Ilham to her room.

She immediately filled her in on what happened. As expected, Ilham laughed to her fill. It's been so long she heard a gist as juicy as this.

"Lallai Fau! You've grown wings." she laughed some more.

"You're not helping you know?" Fau frowns, shooting daggers at her.

"Toh ni na aike ki ki fada soyayya? (Was I the one who sent you to fall in love?)"

"Hhh just stop making me feel more guilty and come up with a solution." Fau was definitely not taking the joke well.

"Okay just be honest with Baba when he returns."

"Honest as in? Elaborate."

"He said he wanted to introduce himself to your parents ai koh?" Ilham asks even though she can clearly remember Fau telling her that.

"Yes he did"

"Toh just tell him that, khalaas!"

"Yenyenyenyen! see how you're talking as if it's easy."

"That's your wahala. No be me send you to fall in love."
Fau would have smacked her if it was any other day.

After Ilham left with her heap of clothes and irritating laughter, Fau performed ablution and prayed Maghrib.

She remained on her prayer mat doing istighfar and other supplication. The time for Isha came and she rose to pray. She later added Shafa'i and Witr.

Immediately she did the tasleem, Umar barged into her room and said Bappa Sadu requested her presence. He did that in a flash, he was probably playing with Ilham's phone that's why his attention was divided.

"Ya Allah please I'm sorry. I won't let any other guy who isn't halal for me to touch me. Don't let Bappa Sadu humiliate ya Rabb." she silently whispers and stepped into his parlor. The door was wide open so she didn't have to knock.

"Fauziyyah! Can you explain what I witnessed earlier?"

Wow,straight to the point!

"Bappa Sadu, I swear I don't know what came over me."

"Haba Fauziyyah. I have failed your father by Allah. How do you think he would feel if he was alive?"
Tears from no where trickled down her cheeks.
She didn't know what she was crying for.
The fact that she missed her parents so much or she felt ashamed of what they would think if they were here.
Her Abee and Umma wouldn't like it one bit.

"Mi tubi, yaafam (Forgive me) Bappa Sadu, It won't happen again if Allah wills."

"It better not." he let out a deep sigh.

" The good for nothing man said you two weren't even dating to marry. How could you be so naive Fauziyyah?"

"He said that?!" Fau slightly raised her voice, flabbergasted.

"Toh will I lie to you?"

"Allahu Akbar! I can't believe him!" She muttered to her self.

Bappa Sadu did more naseeha to her. Giving her endless reasons why she should steer clear of men like him.

"If he is serious about it, he would wait till he's given permission by your guardian first!" his words kept replaying in her mind.

Fau was at a loss for words. They've been together for what? A month? And she has been served her own breakfast already!
She doubts she would find joy in reading memes concerning breakfast.
Hers was too hot to be forgotten soon.
Just when she was starting to catch feelings! He decided to show his true colors.
She was thankful though that what she was feeling wasn't so deep.

The next day she took a sick leave.
She had to gather her thoughts on how to react.
First James. Now him?

"I should just ask Mr Anas to change my office again. I hope he doesn't say no"


Sad to say but alot of girls/ladies out there are allowing guys to touch them anyhow in the name of love.
Please dear sisters don't let him fool you. Idan Kuna da gaskiya you guys should be meeting in your father's parlor mana.
Let's stop having secret calls or meetings or even chatting if we don't see ourselves getting hitched anytime soon.
Believe me, it's for your own best.

We're in the last 10 days of Ramadan  so try your best to stand the night in prayer. Engage in alot of zikr and recitation of the Quran.
Keep your tongue moist with
اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عنا

Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa'fu Anna.

Oh Allah! You're the Most forgiving, you love to forgive, so forgive us

Laylatul Qadr is better than a thousand months so I bet you wouldn't want to miss it.

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