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Ramadan Mubarak 🤍. May we make the most out of it.

Connect with the Quran more,
Do alot of zikr,
Try to stay away from sins, the very hard part.
May Allah reward our efforts.

I'm not feeling this chapter 😪
But here goes nothing


"Sai anjuma (later), Muhsin dan albarka" I teased. Earlier on the road, his Mum called him up and the first thing she said after the salam was "Muhsin dan albarka" It made me smile and I immediately picked it up.

"Shut up Fauziyyah" he shook his head in disbelief before getting off with me. I looked at him puzzled.

"Hey! What's wrong? You wanna greet my parents?" I joked resting my folded arms below my chest.

"Yes, you're so smart." he gave me a thumps up and clapped his hands.

"Hm, why?"

" I want to make you mine."
What was that?

"Muhsin? What are you saying please?" I laughed awkwardly, my hands loosening to rest by my sides.

"I've been observing you for the longest time Fauziyyah. I'm a hundred percent sure that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. In layman terms, I've fallen in love with you"






I calmly counted five seconds before looking up at him.

"Is this what it feels like?" I whispered to myself. Turns out he heard it.

"What is that? Being confessed to?" he asks with a smirk marring his face.

"Yes. I've never experienced it. And, how did you do it so easily?" There goes my blabbing self.

"So easily you said? You have no idea for how long I've been preparing this speech. But guess what? What I said is totally different from the speech I prepared!"
He explains, taking his hands back and forth through his hair.

"Oh my God, that's funny" I laughed lightly while covering my mouth with my palms. I found myself doing that lately, I have no idea why.

"Let's put that aside, Miss. What do you think of me?"

" Hey Muhsin! You're too straightforward, I swear. Can't you see that I'm shy?"


"You're supposed to give me time to think about it. It's clear that you don't read novels." I muttered the last part to myself. But as expected, he heard me.

"As you wish, my lady! "

Muhsin surely needs lessons on how to be flirty by Allah.

I laughed at my silly thought before saying bye to him. I stood by the gate and watch him zoom off in his flashy Toyata SUV.

"5PM" the clock says when I entered my room. The exhaustion I was feeling today was on a different level. I think I'll choose sleep over food.

I quickly got in the shower and freshened up. After getting dressed in my baggy PJ's, I crashed on my bed and slept like a baby. After setting my alarm for seven pm that is, the time for Maghrib prayer.

I woke up around 6:30pm. Not because I wanted to, Umar decided to bang hard on my door for no serious reason.
According to him, he didn't see me throughout today. Can you believe this guy? I took him to school myself.

But since he brought himself, I decided to make use of him.

"Umaru, go get me food from the kitchen"

"Food? Dinner isn't ready yet."

"But Adda hasn't had lunch" I said with a pity face. My groggy voice also helped in winning him over.

"Haaa! Hamma Umar would get you food right now." I laughed at how he called himself Hamma. Last week, I called him Hamma(elder brother) and he stuck to it since then.

I wasn't worried about how the food would reach me. Ilham is definitely in the kitchen at this time.

I performed ablution and did my Maghrib prayer. I said my azkar then read a few pages from the Quran.

More than thirty minutes now, I haven't seen Umar with my food. Wonders of the world.

I got myself food from the kitchen then went to Ammi's parlor. Umar was balancing on one of her couches with Ilham's phone in his hand. I shook my head at that.

" Sannu (well done) Hamma Umar" I said sitting beside him.

We talked about random stuff with Ammi and Ilham while I ate.
After I was done, I retired for the night. I prayed my Isha and went back to my bed for round two of sleep.

I turned and tossed for over 30 mins. My phone pinged at that very moment.
I literally forgot I had a phone.

It was a WhatsApp message. An unknown number sent me a video.

I checked the person's profile picture. It was Anas' side view. He was leaning on his office chair looking into the distance.

Kudos to the person that was behind the camera. The angle it was taken from was perfect.

It was the video of the incident he took. I can't believe this man. He was supposed to send it two weeks back.
I just remembered that I haven't seen him at work since the night of the party. He probably was out of the country. Again.

I downloaded it and watched multiple times before deciding to reply him.

"Thank you, sir. It came so early."

I felt the need to be sarcastic.

Guess what he did? He reacted with "😂"
Damn WhatsApp for introducing reactions.

I turned off my phone before going deeper into my blanket. I do not have the time to worry about why my Boss can't be a normal person like everyone.

Sleep, come take me away!


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