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HasbunAllahu Wa Ni'mal Wakeel
Allah is sufficient for us and He's the best disposer of affairs

"Heyyy!" the man behind Bappa Sadu shouts in a disrespectful tone.

"Your old man right here took a loan of 1.5 million and he is yet to pay. It's either the money or his shitty life today."

"1.5 million? Bappa Sadu?" I exclaimed in shock.

Amma was silent for some seconds before she spoke,

"Please. We...are.... We're going to arrange the money before.... before next week " Her body was shaking in fear.

"You mean we wasted our time by coming here today? You better be kidding me!" he shouts again, so loud I feared the condition of my eardrums.

"Please....danAllah (for Allah's sake)." she keeps repeating.
The man, who I'm sure is the leader now, makes a sound in the back of his throat indicating how impossible it is for him to allow that.

He tucks the small knife by the side of his trouser and took calculative strides to our side. This can't be good.

"At least give us something that will satisfy us today." Bappa Sadu, who had his head downcast suddenly looked up.
Forgot to say, but his mouth was sealed so what he was trying to say came out muffled.

"Oh your wife should do, you mean?" the man claims to understand what he was saying.

Bappa Sadu struggled out of one of the men's hold but he was pushed back on his knees.

He stands in front of Amma stretching his disgusting hand to touch her face. Ilham stood up forcefully pushing him away.

"Don't ever think of laying your hands on my mum!" she screams blocking the man's view from Amma.

"Hmm, fierce! I'll take her. Hold her boys." He cackles like a witch while his men held Ilham and made her kneel again in front of him.

He unrolled her veil, caressed her neck and began unbuttoning her shirt.

"Eight hundred thousand!" I screamed when he was at the third button and it didn't look like he was stopping soon.

My cousin can't have her dignity snatched in my presence when there's something I can actually do about it.

He stops and glares at me


"I'll give that to you and you'd give us till next week for the remaining amount. Deal?"

"Deal!" he replied with a sly smile dancing on his lips.

I took out my phone to make the transfer. He stands over my head and calls out the account number. I almost fainted because of the smell oozing out of him.

I'm sorry Ilham, this trash had to touch you.

I sent four hundred thousand twice, and in ten minutes time, they were out of the house.

They got what they wanted but they have no idea how much sadness they left lingering in the house.


"Can I ask the reason for your request?" Mr Anas asked, adjusting his position on the chair.

Without wasting much time, I came directly to the CEO'S office today to ask if I can get my salary of two months in advance.
We were so short on money at home and the hooligans could come back any moment. I doubt they'll give us a full week to arrange the money.

"No you can't. It's a family matter."

"Okay." He simply replied before making his way to his desk.

After some clicks and punching of his keyboard, I heard the vibration of my phone. I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding when I saw the message.

"I'm giving you this from my personal account. You can keep it."

"That's too much sir, I'll make sure to repay you."

"Bakisan ba'a Maida hannun kyauta baya ba?" he chides dismissing me with his hands.

"Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me" 

"Just include me in your prayers."



As I predicted, they came back two days later. With the help of Allah, we were able to arrange the money. Just that, we're going to go through a hard time for a few months because we've used up most of our savings.

"Give it to me now!" He demands, and as usual, with the highest voice he could muster.

Bappa Sadu drops the bag filled with cash in front of his highness who was reclined on the one sitter.

He gestured for his boys to count the money. One of them stepped out and came back with a banknote counter. It took a few minutes before they confirmed to him that it was intact.


He dusted off invisible dirt from his trousers after standing up. He moved his gaze to Ilham and studied her from head to toe. I myself cringed at the act.

"Too bad I didn't get to have a taste!" he clicked his tongue and walked away, his boys tailing behind.


With a sigh of relief, I sat on the carpet to recollect my thoughts.

"What did you do with the money?" Amma finally asked the question that has been disturbing everyone.

"The house and the wedding." He silently answered. He looked like a child that was being rebuked for taking too much candy.

"Haba! Haba! Kaii wallahi I don't even know what to say. Look how you almost got our child raped! And you made Fauziyyah to spend all her money on us."

Yeahh, the money. The money I have been saving up for my university. What a setback honestly.
I can only pray that there's some goodness in what happened.

Ilham walked out of the parlor in tears. She hasn't been able to look any of us in the eyes.

The event of that day is gonna hunt her for life.

May Allah heal you Ilham

Only Allah knows what rape victims go through

May Allah heal them.

I don't know if it's possible to transfer 800k in a day? As you are seeing me like this I don't even have a bank account 🥲

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