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"Do it for the sake of Allah even if it hurts "

Let's have a peek at Anas' life. Hope you're excited for this!


The plane touched down in Cairo International Airport around 8pm. After grabbing my medium sized luggage, I fished out my phone and removed it from flight mode.

" Where are you at? I've arrived" I said into the phone immediately my driver, Mostafa picked up my call.
He gave me directions with his crooked, not so perfect English and we hit the road the moment I made myself comfortable in the car.

We arrived at Al Mashfa hospital and I got off the car without a word. This wasn't my first time so Mostafa knew what to do.

"Assalamualaikum." I greeted after entering the hospital room that was second to home.

"Waalaykumus salam Habibi!" My mother screamed in delight. It was obvious how happy she was to see me. I haven't visited her in a month.

"How are you feeling Ummi?" I enquired wrapping her in a hug. She felt so warm. I missed her.

"Bi khair, Alhamdulillah." she slowly twirled trying to show me how her health has improved .

"Amazing news Ummi. This calls for a party." I teased helping her sit on her King sized bed.

"Habibi! Ma zilta tatawaqqaf an aadatil infaqul bazkh (you still haven't stopped this habit of spending extravagantly)." She complained and hit me lightly on the shoulder.

"Extravagance Ummi? That would never apply to you ya maleekatu qalbi( O queen of my heart)."

"You're so stubborn."

I watched her go about her business with a smile on my face. The past years were gut wrenching but the smile on Ummi's face made me forget all the pain.
She spread two prayer mats, one in front of the other then gestured for me to perform ablution.
I lead us in prayer, my heart threatening to burst with happiness. This feeling, this feeling right here, I can't recall the last time I felt it.

We sat in silence for a few minutes before her personal doctor put a halt to it.

"Assalamualaikum, Anas."

"Waalaykumus salam,doc." I replied to Dr. Aisha who I've grown to respect as I do my mother. Luckily for me, her English was very good and double luck was how she has been my mother's doctor from five years ago.

"I hurried here when I heard you came. I need you to sign your Ummi's discharge papers." she concluded while checking her wrist watch.

"Discharge papers?" Ummi and I asked at thesame time, confused.

"Yes. You're ready to go home dear Ummi. I'm so happy to be the bearer of good news today at least" I gave a sad smile at her last statement. We've really received as much bad news as possible from Dr Aisha in the past.

"Alhamdulillah!" Ummi exclaimed going into sujud- ash-shukr. I followed immediately, thanking Allah for the good news.

"So when can she go home?" I asked.

"In roughly three days. We conducted some tests earlier this morning so the result is the only thing holding her back." she explained.

"Are you going to be in the country for that long?" she asked again

"Yes, since it's just three days."

"Okay then, you can come to my office tomorrow morning to sign the papers. I have to attend to an urgent situation." She quickly said and checked her watch again.

"Alright, thank you doc." She waved dismissively and left.

"Soooo, is someone excited to breathe the air of Nigeria after five years?" I teased Ummi with a big smile on my face.

"I'm not sure. Laqad i'itadattu ala hazal makan ( I've gotten used to this place) so it feels like home." she muttered before making herself comfortable on her bed.

I totally understand where Ummi is coming from
"No worries Ummi. I can bring you here anytime you want to come. Even if it's monthly." I assured with a boyish smile.
She shook her head in disbelief.
"My advise on reckless spending hasn't registered in your brain."She lamented.

I picked up my phone and video called my sister, Safiyyah. I couldn't wait to share the good news.

"Hey ugly face." I taunted immediately she picked up.

"You want me to come teach you a lesson huh?" the annoying voice of my disrespectful sister filled the room. I'm tired of reminding her that I'm actually six years older than her and it's illegal for her to disrespect me.

" long you've got the money to fly to Egypt?"

"Ya Anas!! You went to Egypt without me again? What you're doing isn't fair wallahi. Ummiiiii!" she whined. I wouldn't mind her whining all day but her voice was deafening by Allah.

"Why didn't you tell her you were coming at least?" Ummi scolded, slapping me on the shoulder for the second time today. I put Ummi on the camera so her favorite daughter can see her.

"She has been disrespecting me non-stop these days that's why." I dismissed with an evil smile.

Safiyyah glared hard at me before she diverted her attention to Ummi.

"Ummi you're looking so beautiful. Do they do skin care there too?"

"Allahu yahdeeki( May God guide you) habibty " Ummi laughed at her thoughts

"What does that mean Ummi?" Safiyyah's Arabic is still bad I see.

"Wai ke when will your Arabic ever improve? How are you gonna communicate with Ummi when she returns." I complained smacking my forehead softly.
My mother's English is pretty good but her stay in Egypt taught her Arabic, which she prefers sometimes.

"Ummi's English is.....wait what? When she returns? Is Ummi coming back soon?"

"Yes habibty in three days" Ummi beat me to it.
She looked at us wide eyed before letting out a scream. She screamed at the top of her voice then jumped on her bed. I couldn't stop the smile forming on my face. I was so happy I could finally bring back our mom to Safiyyah.

"Ummi I'm so happy to hear that SubhanAllah." she suddenly had tears forming in her eyes and she let them fall.

"Don't spoil the mood Saf. About your Arabic. Are you trying to tell me that I've been wasting my money on your islamiyya?" I wasn't about to let it slide.

"Oh Ya Anas. You're the one spoiling the mood now." She whined. This girl is going to be in hot soup when I return to Nigeria.

"Arrange the house before we arrive. Put turaren wuta and get rid of cobwebs." I warned with a click of my tongue.
The house needed deep cleaning since we mostly stay with our maternal aunt.

"Noted Boss." she mocked and stuck out her tongue

Safiyyah is such a handful I swear.


Leading your mom in prayer, now that's what I call love 🥺🤍

I'm in love with their relationship ☺️

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