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Party was in full swing. I had a lot to eat. Right now, I feel I won't need food for as long as possible. That's how it feels everytime you eat to your fill.

Mr Anas introduced me to our special guests. To say I was shocked by his action would be an understatement. Turns out they were also big fans of my application '' Learn from Home" and they wanted to meet.

There was no one to talk to anymore, Muhsin was busy with his new found friends. So I decided to go outside and admire the night sky.
The breeze was cool and welcoming. I leaned on the short wall that was built by the entrance to prevent accidents from the the tall building.
The breeze hitting my face was therapeutic.

"Miss Ismail." I turned around to find James standing a few feet away.

"Hey James. How's the party?"
James and I weren't close at all. But I decided to ask him that to avoid an awkward silence.

"Fantastic." Came his short reply.

"Great" I replied.

There goes the awkwardness I was avoiding.
I heard him come close. I knew that because he always drags his feet while walking.

A hand suddenly snaked itself on my back. My back stiffened and I lost the ability think. Practically felt like my brain cells were frozen and I couldn't think of a way out.

"Wha- what do you think you're doing?" I managed to ask while trying to get out of his hold.

"You look beautiful; I've waited so long for a day like this to present itself."

"Let go of me James. This is harassment you know." I felt disgusted. He pulled me forcefully to his chest making it look like we were having a romantic time.

"No can do."
With the strength I could, I stepped on his right foot with my heels. I'm glad I decided to rock my heels today.

He staggered back and I used the opportunity to land a hot slap across his right cheek.

"Didn't know you were such a silent killer. I'm so going to report you if you try this rubbish with me a second time."
I let out a hiss before walking past him.
The rascal couldn't even beg to be forgiven.

I washed my face in the washroom, secretly hoping the water would wash away the agitation.

"Fauzeeyah." Mr Anas and I clashed by the entrance of the washroom. The male and female's were facing each other so I can't accuse him of stalking me.

"Hello sir" I feigned a small smile .

"Can we talk?"  As usual, he had that neutral look on his face.

"Uhm, okay?" I answered reviewing all possible things we could talk about on my mind.

We took a right turn and walked to the end of the hallway. We climbed a few steps that led to the rooftop of the hotel building the party was being held.
The view was breathtaking I couldn't take my eyes off. The streetlights brightened the city, giving it a good feel.
For a second, I forgot we were here to talk until he cleared his throat.

"Nane (A while back), I- I saw what happened."
Should I be shocked that Mr Anas understands fulfulde or the fact that he witnessed what happened between James and I?

"Ohhh, I don't know what to say." I put my head down feeling ashamed.
"You didn't save me. Why?" My words came out rushed, not as I planned.

" I knew you could get yourself out. Sorry I didn't. But.... I took a video."

"A video?" I asked puzzled

"Yes a video. In case you want to report him" He confirms. I gasped slightly then asked him to show me.
I smiled a little when I realized how brave I was. The video looked like an actor and actress practicing their shoot.
Sadly it's my life.

"Can you send it to me? I'll definitely report him if he does that again. I wonder if this isn't his first time."

"I doubt it is." He replied while passing me his phone. My brain concluded that it was an iphone 13 pro max. Damn my iphone obsessed self.
I shot him a 'what am I supposed to do with your phone' look.

"You said to send it to you durhhh." I chuckled because of the 'durhhh' he said.

" Never thought you could speak like a girl." I teased while typing out my number.

" Can't help it when I have a sister." He dryly answered rubbing his nape.

I stretched out my hand to give back his phone but I remembered something

"Aren't you supposed to have my number? Mr CEO?"

"Yes, in your file. On my system?" He mockingly replied before snatching his phone.


Five minutes later, I decided to break the comfortable silence lingering.
"So Fulani huh?"

"Ehen! I thought this handsomeness explains it all." He gestured with his palms going over his bearded face.

"Urghh! You're so full of yourself."

It was almost 9pm so I decided to head home. I left Mr Anas at the rooftop after declining his offer to drop me off.


Looks like we've unlocked a new side of Mr CEO 😌

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