Mia James

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I feel a million times lighter after the talks with my dad and Elliot. I'm still scared shitless don't get me wrong. But the fear isn't as scary when you know what it is, and when you know that you're not alone when you want to face it. It isn't event that scary anymore.

I'm still going to put myself in therapy as soon as I get back to school.

Which, speaking of, is way closer than I want it to be. This might be the first time I say this, but I really don't want to go back to school this time. I spent almost an entire week ignoring Elliot, and longer than that hiding, that now that we've cleared everything up between us we've only got a week left together. I don't want to leave him yet. I know we'll be fine, and that I'll probably talk to him more than the people I see daily at school, but it's different.

Probably why we spend every waking moment of our last week in Tallinn together. I even meet his family for dinner one time because he forgot some big family thing and just dragged me along with him. It was nice, I hope I'll see them again.

We go to the beach on Thursday. My flight is tomorrow afternoon and we spent the whole day together trying to delay the inevitable.

"I can't believe the summer is already over." I say as the sun sets, "It feels like it was just yesterday that I was packing up my dorm room. Now I'm already packed to go back."

Elliot hums next to me, "Crazy....isn't it?"

"It is. I don't think me twelve weeks ago would expect anything that's happened between then and now. It's still kind of hard to believe."

"The universe is weird sometimes. Like, just last week I swear to god I saw a cat ringing the doorbell of a house wearing a top hat."

I shoot him a look and he grins mischievously.

"Were you high by any chance?" I ask

"Of course not. You know Guillaume would murder me."

I scoff, as if anything Guillaume or anyone else says will stop Elliot from doing what he wants.

"In all seriousness though." I say, "It is actually a huge coincidence that we ran into each other as much as we did those first weeks. And then that you ended up sitting next to me on the flight and that I lost my book and you found it."

He looks at me, a bit blankly, like he's not in awe of the pure chance.

"You know how low the statistics of all that happening by chance is?" I ask ridiculously

"Not by chance." he mumbles

I furrow my brows at him, because clearly he knows something I don't, "What do you mean 'not by chance'?"

He looks away from me with the face of guilt, "I may.....I may have stolen your book whilst you were asleep on the flight."

My jaw drops. Like, my mouth is physically hanging open.

"And I gave the woman sitting next to you €100 to switch seats with me." he adds quickly

I think about what he says for a long minute. Shocked. Because - clearly - I had no idea.

"Why- why would you do that?" I ask dumbfounded

He shrugs, "I wanted an excuse to talk to you."

I shake my head in exasperation and laugh, "You can be such an idiot sometimes. You know that?"

I see his  cheeks redden in the dimming sunlight.

"Yeah, but I am your idiot."

Yes. Yes you are.


Tomorrow comes way too quickly and we're forced to face reality. I say a long goodbye to my dad at home (some tears were shed) before Elliot picks me up from home. Dad seems to like Elliot, even if they've never actually met. I think he just likes how happy I am.

He stays with me the entire time and we talk about everything we're going to do. He tells me all about the racing schedule and who his opponents are and I tell him about my crazy teachers and the hell studying for A - levels is going to be. I tell him I'll call him every night until I see him again at Christmas and he says he's going to hold me to it.

Eventually it's time, and he walks me to security.

I hug him for what seems like forever, just to make sure he's real, and that this summer hasn't been a dream. I look up at him and a tear I didn't realize I had threatens to fall.

"Don't forget about me when you're a rich and famous F1 driver okay?" I whisper

"You never know." he says, looking down at me with a smirk. "I might take you with me so you can cheer me on in the grandstands."

Please do.

Please take me away with you.

"You're very sure of yourself." I say instead

"If you believe in me how could I not be?" he chuckles and I shake my head at him

I glance towards the security gate.

"You should go." he says soberly

I nod and he wraps me up in another hug, squeezing me so tight I think he might break a rib.

"I love you okay." he says

"Love you too." I whisper, just loud enough to hear before walking off towards the security gate

I make it to my gate just in time, like I did all those weeks ago. And as the plane takes off towards England, leaving summer behind once and for all, I can't help but look forward to the next one.

THE END <3333


HI GUYS. If you actually finished this TYSM. I am actually so proud of this book I might cry and I just love these bitches so so so so so much. They're my babies and I hope you loved them just as much as I do. I'm already planning books 2 & 3, they will also be adorable and I hope you stick around to see them, This is the first time I actually finished something so I am very proud of myself. (Also I finished this on my birthday ¬ 04 September) Anyways, to end my rant, I hope this helped some people, even though right now absolutely no one has seen this (we've got like 69 reads, no pun intended)


Signing off, D.G.W.

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