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Mia James

Elliot really does keep his promises. We text each other all the time throughout the days and we spend hours calling every other night, it honestly feels like I see him more than some of my teachers and Claire and Anrea say he's become like a fourth roommate since he's always there somehow.

I watch his races every weekend, scaring all the other students when I start yelling at the TV in the common room. I send him probably about a billion texts and take a million pictures when he does a clean sweep of all the events of the third weekend. I'm so proud of him that I tell everyone who passes by the common room.

He does call me before every event, so I like to think some of his luck is thanks to me, even though I know full well it's all the hard work and talent he's put into this.

We count down the days until we see each other at Christmas. Every night I mark of another box on the calendar I have hanging over my desk. Elliot plays along with it, even though he's hiding the fact that he's coming to my school the weekend of the British GP. It shocks pretty much everyone when he turns up outside the school gates and I actually sprint out of school to see him, it's probably the most athletic thing my classmates have ever seen me do.

I spend the weekend with him at the track, it's nice to see his family and Sandro again and all the people I worked with that week of the party, especially Luisa, who gives me a knowing smile when I walk into the garage on Saturday morning.

Elliot does spectacularly that weekend. He wins the sprint race from P10, and the feature race from pole. I stand underneath the podium platform when he does, smiling as I look up at him, because I don't think I could be any prouder of him, living his dream and keeping me with him whilst he does.

He's so excited to come back down to me afterwards that he actually ends up tripping the stairs and taking a pretty big fall, thankfully he's only got a chipped tooth and a couple bruises to his ego, but for safety reasons they make him go get checked out by a dentist for the tooth, who then tells them that Elliot has to get the tooth surgically removed to avoid infection or something worse.

Thankfully his parents are already there in England with us, and they stay with him during because I have to go back to school. But I go see him after the operation ono Wednesday, that's where I am now actually, at the little hospital, with flowers, searching for his room. They put him under anaesthetic for the operation so the nurse warned me that he might not be at full functioning brain capacity, little does she know, he rarely is.

I find his room door ajar, he's sitting in his bed, loopy from medications and anaethetic, talking to his dad. His dad's back is facing me, and neither of them notice me peeking in or listening in without really meaning to.

"Mia's said she's coming soon." his dad says, "She'll be here soon."

Elliot looks up at his dad, and he definitely doesn't notice me because he says; 

"I'm keeping her da."

His dad nods, patting his head, "Of course, you keep the girl son."

"She makes my heart go boom." Elliot continues, melting making me smile, "Like, boom boom fucking boom."

His dad laughs, "That's good Eli. Remember to tell her that okay?"

"Okay da." he says sluggishly

I take that as my cue to walk in, acting like I didn't hear anything. His dad greets me warmly and goes out for a coffee, leaving me alone with this stupid, adorable little idiot I call my boyfriend.

"You're pretty." he slurs, not fully recognizing me

"You're such a fool." I smile before walking over and kissing him more sensleess than he already is

Flight K109 (#1 ¬ Aiello Racing Series )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن