Mia James

14 0 0

My first flight to Italy is today. The last week with my dad has been as I predicted; he went to work all day whilst I stayed at home doing practically anything that didn't involve going outside. Reading, sleeping, eating, singing, binge watching cheesy TV shows that shouldn't have made it past the pilot, played boardgames by myself, re-organized my dad's kitchen, you think of it, I've done it. I've barely even seen my dad all week, and I'm genuinely sure I talked to Andy and Claire more than him.

To sum up; week 1 -> 0 friends made

Put yourself out there.

Andy's words ring in my head. I promised us all that I would. And I will.......next week.


This voice breaks me out of whatever trance I'm in and I realize I'm the next in line at the coffee shop inside the airport. My dad dropped me off an hour ago and I've been waiting for my flight since, even though it's not for another hour and a half. 

"Uh, and iced latte please."

I pay for my coffee and wait by a table for it to be made. I've barely sat down when a woman comes up and starts speaking to me. Well, she's speaking at me because I have no idea what she's saying. It's all in - I'm assuming here - Estonian, and I have 0 clue what she might be alluding to.

"Mul on kahju, aga sa istud mu jope selga."

Fucking hell. I have no idea what she just said. I momentarily consider handing her my wallet in case it's a mugging, but I don't think that would solve any of my problems here, one thing I've learnt over time is that throwing money at your problems won't solve them. I start panicking, tripping over my words so hard I don't think a single one of them is coherent. Meanwhile the lady is getting more confused and keeps telling me things in what is probably Estonian.

"Kas ma võin oma jope endale võtta? Minu lend väljub kahekümne minuti pärast."

I'm ready to pull up google translate when a boy steps between us, he's blond and tall and looks a bit like he just woke up from a nap.

"She's asking for her jacket." he says, looking at me with a small smile, "You're sitting on it."

I jump up immediately as embarrassment flushes my face, handing the poor lady her jacket and apologizing in as many languages as I know, which, unfortunately, isn't many.

The woman leaves and I turn to the boy, who looks amused by my situation.

"Thank you." I say, too embarrassed to meet his eyes

"Anytime." he says before walking off


After that embarrassment I decide not to risk another one and just go straight to my gate. It's pretty empty for now so I just take a seat in back and open a book. I try to put on some music but nothing has just the right vibes and my earbuds aren't sitting just right in my ears and it kind of makes me want to jump off a plane. The last thing I need today is more things to frustrate me so I just turn off my phone entirely and put the earbuds away. 

The music will automatically play in my head anyways.

I'm reading the last few chapters of what might be my favorite book ever. It's a book Andy gave me to read over Easter break that I never got to. The timeline of the book is backwards, starting at the end and going backwards as this girl tells stories of her friend, who's funeral is the starting point of the book. 

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