Elliot Ilves

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Mia's friends stick around till the end of the week. In fact, they enjoy our company so much that they book flights to Taranto and extend their stay by another couple days like it's nothing. Rich people shit I guess.

I'm happy they do though, I know it made Mia really happy seeing them again after all this time apart. I can see it on her face every time I'm with the three of them. It's good to have friends like that make you happy like that.

Their last night is Tuesday and the three girls invite Sandro and I over for dinner one last time before they go. It's Sandro's first time meeting them but he seems to get along well enough and we have a fun time out.

I'm not sure exactly how things ended up, mostly because Sandro disappears at some point leaving Mia and I to take care of her friend Andrea who's drunk a bit too much and turned into a vomiting mess with their other blonde friend nowhere to be found. 

We manage to get her back to Mia's house in one piece for the most part and put her down in the guest room. We, perfectly sober and exhausted, stumble into Mia's room and practically collapse onto her bed.

She rubs a hand over her face and sighs.

"That was fun." she says

I nod passively, "Yeah, if you forget the parts where we practically had to carry your friend home puking and the fact that we have no idea where your friend and Sandro are. But I did have fun."

She snorts, "You think they're out there together? Claire and Sandro I mean?"

I turn to look at her, "What, like, hooking up or something?"

We look at each for a moment, contemplating the question seriously before breaking out into fits of laughter.

"Claire is the last person to sleep with someone so casually." she laughs

"Yeah....I got the feeling. Sandro isn't that type of guy either."

Mia smiles next to me, "I'll tell Andy that one when she's sober. She'll have a good laugh."

"Yeah....." I yawn, looking over to Mia, there's something I want to ask her, but she's already fallen asleep

Another time.......


We say goodbye to Mia's friends the next morning at the airport. I'll never admit it out loud but it is a bit sad to see them go, we had a good time together. But it doesn't mean that I'm not over the moon to have Mia all to myself again after barely being able to touch her all week due to her friends being around every waking moment.

We barely make it through the door.

Honestly, at this point I don't think I can stay away, not even if I try. My legs keep pushing me towards her until there's practically no room left between us. Either I kiss her or I go crazy - there is no other alternative. Just having her close makes me feel like this, unbearably uncomfortable unless I have her somehow, even just an arm around her sometimes is enough, but quite frankly, this is my favorite. I need her kisses, I need them the same way I need oxygen to breathe.

What happened a week ago happens again now, and as if the play button has been pressed she's there, no longer kissing me sweetly like she usually does but wild, like a wildfire that refuses to be put out. 

I love it.

I might love it even more.

Which makes it all the more difficult to resist when we let go to take a gasp of air and I have to pull away from her. I have to do this, now before it's too late like I fear it already might be.

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