Mia James

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I text Elliot a lot after Wednesday. I have no idea what possibly possessed me to send him that fact that day, but I'm glad I did it. Because it feels like that text opened up some sort of door between us that was closed shut before. Now we're texting all throughout the day. He tells me all about his days at his teams headquarters as they prepare the cars and I tell him about.....well, I generally just complain about being stuck inside all day or tell him about whatever book it is I'm reading. I'm also telling him an obscure fact every day, it's become somewhat of a routine.

I've actually spent quite some time writing since Tuesday. I ended up being right, because after the little rendevous at the park, inspiration for the short story comes to me all at once, and I've finally got something to work with for this stupid competition.

I don't tell Elliot about the writing though. I haven't even told Andy and Claire about it, who've actually been quite quiet recently. I don't know what's up with them, I chalk it up to them enjoying their summers, and I can't really blame them for that.

I don't see mum much more this week than I did last week. Her company is having some big, international branch opening soon and she's been absolutely slammed at work. Which means I've been alone all week, and most of the weekends too. Sometimes I wonder why she fought so hard to have this stupid 50/50 summer arrangement. She's not even here. I mean, it would have been fine if it was just, first half of summer with one, the other half with the other. But nooooooo, they just had to have me every other week. Sometimes I wonder if mum was so adamant on this just to put my dad through the wringer throughout the divorce. The custody battle was an absolute mess, probably why they barely ever speak to each other and pass everything through me.

Probably why I'm too scared to get in any form of relationship. I think bitterly.

I slam my laptop shut in frustration. I can never get any decent work done when I think about this. It always comes out cynical and depressed and shit. I always end up hating it and myself afterwards.

I get up and roam over to the fridge, I'm feeling really hungry, like, when you go on a three hour hike without having breakfast beforehand type hungry. Actually, when I think about it, I can't actually remember having breakfast or lunch today. It's almost 7PM now. This is what happens when I lock myself inside all day, I completely loose track of time and forget to do basic stuff like feed myself.

I open the pantry to look for something, there's nothing but plain spaghetti, a can of corn and some old looking canned peaches. Yeah no. I open the fridge instead, I'm not expecting much, but I'm expecting something, not the desert land that is my mother's fridge. There's literally nothing.

She forgot to go shopping again.

That's another thing about mum, she's so busy that she's eating all her meals at the office, which means she doesn't really notice when she runs out of food at home. But I told her we needed food days ago, how could she possibly have forgotten that?

I retreat back to the sofa, resigned to the fact that I'm going to go hungry tonight, possibly even tomorrow, when my phone dings. It's another text from Elliot, honestly, it's as if he can read my mind

 It's another text from Elliot, honestly, it's as if he can read my mind

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