Elliot Ilves

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This might be the best week of my life. I have a good week of training, get to do the first ever test in the team's F3 car and I spend time with Mia twice. The second time is even better than the first. I don't think much can beat that if I'm being radically honest. 

I meet Mia inside the security gate on Monday morning. It was her idea, and it's comforting to know that this desire to be in her presence is reciprocated at least slightly on the other end a well.

She gets there first because I see her sitting on a bench with her phone in her hand her bags thrown haphazardly next to her. I stride up her direction until I'm practically leaning over her figure on the bench. She notices my shadow falling over her and looks up at me with those big brown eyes of hers and the slow grin that spreads across her face makes the entire airport brighter.

"Good morning." I say, when she doesn't

"Morning." she chirps

I look at her curiously, "What's got you in such a good mood today? You really like me that much?" 

Her cheeks tinge pink at me teasing and she puts her phone down in her lap. I take a seat next to her without breaking eye contact.

"I like you......more than some." she admits

I nod, "That's good."

"What? You're not offended that there are people I like more than you?" she laughs

"Nah...." I say, shaking my head, "I'm happy if you like me at all."

She may have been teasing me when she said she liked me more than some people, but I'm being dead serious when I say I'm happy that she likes me to begin with. And she must notice it too because she quickly clears her throat and looks down at her lap again.

"Well," she starts, to change the topic I assume, "we've still got some time before we have to get to our flight. What d'you want to do?"

I think about it a bit and turn my gaze away from her, because if I don't I'm not sure I'll be able to focus much if at all. What do I want to do.......?

"Ice cream." I say quickly

She gives me a quizzical look, "Ice cream?" she repeats

I shrug.

"You want ice cream?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh, no it's nothing just- I mean, you've been in Italy for two weeks and you want to get ice cream from the airport?"

I'm starting to get why she's looking at me so weird because she makes a pretty good point and I'm suddenly feeling quite silly.

"It.....sounded like a good idea in my head." I say quietly

She gets up from her seat and grabs her bag, "It is. Maybe a strange idea, but still a decent idea. Get up let's go."

She doesn't give me a chance to question it and starts walking away, leaving me scrambling to pick up all my stuff and catch up. I follow her like a dog as she leads me through the airport, I'm starting to wonder whether or not she actually knows where she's going. She's taking me through parts of the airport I'm not too familiar with in a direction that's leading us away from our gate rather than towards it. 

I'm about to stop her, but we turn one last corner and come face to face with a little foodcourt, inside which stands, predictably, a cute little ice cream shop. 

I notice her starting to reach for my wrist, but she stops herself and waves for me to follow her instead. I kind of wish she didn't.

I follow her anyways as she walks into the little shop and we order our ice cream. I get vanilla, because it's one of the only flavors of ice cream I deem pleasant. That and salted caramel, but salted caramel is the only flavor the shop doesn't have.

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