Chapter 17: Kidnapped

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On the way home, everything was going perfect for Matilda. That was until...a guy wearing a black mask appeared behind her and covered her mouth with his hands to make her faint. It was Devon. He put her body in the back of his trunk and drove off to a small, abandoned house. It was revealed this was part of Amanda's plan. At the unfamiliar house, Matilda was lying unconscious on the ground in the basement of Devon's house. Amanda and Devon were standing and talking.

Amanda: Wow, you knocked her out within seconds...

Amanda: How long will she be asleep, Devon?

Devon: For a couple more hours. The doubled the intensity of the dose I gave her.

Devon: But I'm afraid we'll get caught.

Amanda: Don't be stupid! We won't get caught...We're in a remote area.

Amanda: Where no one can hear us.

Amanda: Even if we did, I wouldn't be responsible!

Amanda: It's time for me to go home...Make sure she doesn't wake up.

Devon's frustration boiled over as he watched Amanda walk away, leaving him alone to watch over Matilda and be held in the eerie, abandoned house. His face twisted into a nasty scowl, his brows furrowing deeply, and his lips forming a tight, thin line. His eyes, normally filled with mischief and arrogance, were now clouded with irritation and anger.

Devon: He thought. That f**king cunt...I should've avoided her in the first place!

Devon: On the inside. Feeling more risky at the fact someone will discover us...

His thoughts raced, a tumultuous storm of resentment and exasperation. Amanda was supposed to be his partner in this sinister endeavor, but she had abandoned him when they needed to be vigilant. He questioned her loyalty and wondered if she had ulterior motives for leaving him alone with Matilda. Devon couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping over him as he contemplated the consequences of any mistakes. His frustration was tinged with anxiety, knowing that any misstep could lead to their plan falling apart, and they could both end up facing severe consequences. However, Amanda carried out the one last step of her plan before going home. She was holding Matilda's phone in her hands and texted Patrick, pretending to be Matilda herself.

Amanda: She texted. I'm sorry, Patrick. But we must break up...I'm moving away this afternoon.

Amanda: She added. Don't text me again!

Amanda: She gloated to herself. Haha, I'm so smart...He will never find out about the truth!

Patrick's reaction upon receiving fake text messages from Matilda, which were actually sent by Amanda, about Matilda moving away and wanting to break up with him was a mixture of shock, confusion, and heartbreak. At first, when Patrick's phone buzzed with the incoming messages, his face might have lit up with anticipation, thinking that Matilda was reaching out. As he began to read the messages, though, a wave of confusion would wash over him. The words on the screen didn't align with what he knew about their relationship, and they seemed out of character for Matilda.

Patrick: He said to himself. Moving away? She didn't tell me this earlier...

Patrick: On the inside. Also, those messages don't sound like her.

He tried to call her, but he kept receiving a voice message saying, "I'm sorry you have reached the voicemail of Matilda Liwang. The person isn't available, please try again."

Patrick: He thought to herself. How come she's not picking up her phone? Something doesn't feel right...

Kyle was present at Patrick's house and he immediately took sight of the look of confusion and worry on Patrick's house. He noticed the change in Patrick's demeanor, the furrowed brows, and the troubled expression on his face, and he immediately wanted to know what was happening.

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