37: Lukas

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June, 2019

Ring! Ring! Ring!

A shrill noise filling the room pulled me out of my slumber. Fumbling for my phone, I brought it to my ear without even checking who it was.

Before I could even greet the caller, they demanded, "Where the hell are you?"

Recognising her crisp voice immediately, I replied, "Hello to you, too, Erica."

"Where are you?" she repeated, as if I hadn't heard her earlier question. Though she barely waited for me to respond before she went on with, "You didn't come home all day yesterday or last night. Did you forget what today is? I swear, if you've been drinking in some dingy pub again, I will—"

"I'm in Windeck," I sighed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes before I pushed myself into a seated position.

The line went silent for a few moments. Then, "Sorry, where did you—"


"But... why?" Honest confusion clouded her tone.

"Because I'm trying and failing to stop Olivia from doing something stupid."

"You're... you're with Ollie?" It was like I was hitting her with one shocking discovery after the next.


"Why the heck are you—"

"She wants to get her memories back."

More silence ensued as Erica processed my words. And when she failed to do so, "But you took her memories."

"My mum took one too."

"Yeah, but—"

"She's here for that memory back. Not the ones I took." I hoped she could hear the 'and there's more that I can't say' lingering in my tone.

If the quiet line was anything to go by, then she got the hint. Especially when she shifted to, "So when are you coming back then?"

"I was hoping to get the visit with my mum out of the way first thing this morning. So with any luck we will be back tomorrow. Though Olivia's return tickets are for late Monday."

"I see... Then I guess you won't be making my birthday party tonight?"

"Oh, shit," I muttered. "I'm sorry, Ri. I totally spaced when I took off after—"

"No, no, don't sweat it." Though her tone was too cheerful and forgiving for my liking.

My eyes narrowed. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, of course. It's just another birthday. And you know Jayce won't mind either."

While Jayce truly wouldn't care—in fact, he hated having to acknowledge his birthday, though Erica always forced him to attend—it was never just a birthday to Ri. The witch always relished in the one day a year that people had to give her their undivided attention. Which was why I ended up saying anyway, "I'll make it up to you when I get back."

"You don't have to do that."



Here we go.

"You could make it up to me now."

"... how?"

"You can make amends with Ollie while you're there."

Heaving a sigh, I said, "Olivia and I will make up in our own time." She didn't need to know we started making those steps yesterday... until I erected that wall between us once again after the thought of her leaving again freaked me out.

Salvage: Book 3 of the Magic Mutations SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now