25: Olivia

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April, 2019

My head was spinning before I even opened my eyes, so I knew facing the day was going to be a hellish experience. Nonetheless, after giving myself a few moments to grip onto the sheets and ground myself in which way gravity was pulling me, I reluctantly squinted open my eyes.

Just as expected, the world was whirling, inhibiting me from recognising which way was up or down.

But a familiar figure sitting in a chair ended up pulling me back, centering me in the room. The double vision of him eventually merged into one as I locked eyes with his brilliant blue ones.

Though unlike every other morning that I had woken up in a stranger's bed, this time Ben wasn't sporting his usual disappointed gaze. No... This time he almost seemed... smug.

Immediately, I began to feel myself sobering up as my heart quickened in my chest.

Because exactly who did I sleep with last night to make him actually... happy?

Though an inkling of the who slowly began to dawn on me as my eyes darted around the room, taking in the decor and colour palette.

Fuck, was my first thought as my eyes took in the corals, peaches, and whites.

Fuck fuck, was my second thought as I noted the tufts, fluffs, and tassels hanging off the pillows and tapestries adorning this particular girl's room... one of those responsible for the decor of the rest of the house.

Fuck fuck fuck, was my third and final thought as a tanned arm threw itself over my body, a perfectly manicured hand filling my vision. Through the process of elimination, I had some inkling of who this was now.

Faye was too dark-skinned for it to be her.

Jade and Theodora were as pasty as me.

Which meant it had to be...

I rolled over in her embrace, eyes hesitantly seeking out the expected face.

And, sure enough, beautiful swirling locks of blonde cascaded over her tanned, round cheeks, finding the perfect places to cover her naked breasts.

A pink plushness coated her ridiculously full lips.

And thick, long eyelashes that brushed her cheekbones were quick to flutter open under my terrified gaze, revealing the hypnotic seafoam eyes that laid beneath.

I was greeted instantly with a pearly grin before Serena's sirenic voice graced me with a melodic, "Morning, Ollie."

At once I sat up, the sheet falling down from me, exposing my also naked body.

Eyes wide in alarm, I yanked the fabric back up, concealing myself as I scanned the room for any clue of what happened last night. And, sure enough, my dress lay discarded by the door, my bra hung over her chair, and my underwear was right by the bed... and accompanying my clothes around the room were what I assumed were hers.

"Did we—" I started to ask.

But her enchanting voice cut all questions from coming out of my mouth. And, somehow, she made the words she spoke sound like a song, despite their crudeness. "Fuck like our lives depended on it?" She leaned close to my ear. "Oh, you bet. I've been desperate for a taste of you since Ben brought you into our lives... But unfortunately you had been off-limits for so long. And then you disappeared! Though, to my luck, I ran into you last night before anyone could snatch you again. I've always wanted to finger a Fairy."

My mouth went dry as I pulled away from her, desperately trying to swallow so that I could speak.

But what could I say?

Salvage: Book 3 of the Magic Mutations SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now