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    "Mmm," I groaned as I woke up. My sight became blurry from my slumber, and the light blinded my face, I must've left my blinds open. I couldn't see past the blurriness but, I felt warm, warmer than I should've been. I looked down and found an arm hugging my waist and my head immediately turned to see Ren sleeping next to me. I covered my mouth in shock and panic, I quickly hit his arm,

    "Ren!" I whispered.

    I looked towards my door, to see it was shut. What if Mom comes in...., I thought as I glanced at Ren, sleeping soundly, with soft snores. My heart just melts as I see his gorgeous face in front of me, his soft breaths fanning my neck. My skin erupting millions of tiny goosebumps at the sensation.

     I shook my head, I need to focus. I whispered, "Ren..,"

    He stirred and groaned, tightening his hold on my stomach and tucking his face in my hair. I blew a breath towards my bangs, that's not what I wanted. I went to move his arm, but it was like an iron grip–of which I can't escape.


    "Ren," I whispered pointedly. He groans and says, "A few more minutes...."

    I sighed heavily and softly patted his face, "Ren, wake up." Ren's face contorts into annoyance as he blinks his eyes open. His eyes widened as he quickly let go of me.

    "You're not a dream?", Ren asked me. I covered my mouth to hide my laugh, cutie, "You thought I was a dream?"

    Ren said, "I thought I was hugging my pillow...that's why I didn't want to wake up."

    I hid my face as I blushed profusely at his confession. I smiled as he cleared his throat,  stuttering, "I...I never went home?"

    "Obviously," I teased, motioning to my room. Ren scratched his head as he looked at his watch, "Damn," he cursed, "It's 8 AM. How am I going to leave?"

    "That's why I tried waking you up. We both fell asleep."

    Ren groans, "Your mom is going to hate me. What if she thinks we..."

   I covered his lips with my finger, "She won't, quick." I folded the duvet off me and limped to my door, "let's get out of here before someone notices you."

   Ren immediately followed me, holding my arm, "Don't get up so quick, you'll hurt yourself."

    I felt warm and fuzzy at how much care he's exhibiting towards me. I was about to share my sentiment when a soft knock came. I turned towards Ren, in a panic and pointed towards my closet, "Hide", I whispered.

   He make sure I get my footing before he dashes in to hide. Once the door closed with a small crack to peek out of, I turned to my door. My mind rang with alarm bells and blared in panic. I could just see Mom's rage once I opened the door. Please let it be anyone else.

    My hand gripped the handle and I looked at Ren who looked back at me apprehensively. I nodded once for comfort, before opening the door, my heart was beating at the rate like a stampede of horses. My sweaty hand clutched the door handle with a strong grip before I opened the door. I gasped, causing Ren to open the door slightly but a wave of relief came over me as I saw Uncle Ken in front of me. He offered me a simple smile as my shoulders relaxed a bit.

    Uncle Ken gave me a knowing look, "Good morning."

         "Good morning," I said, tensely. I tried my best to make a smile and Uncle Ken chuckled a bit before saying, "He should leave before your mom wakes up."

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