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Only a week later was the funeral for Fred, and everyone was in tears

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Only a week later was the funeral for Fred, and everyone was in tears. Many of his friends came to the funeral, and it was one of the saddest moments Tessa had ever had to witness. She was just glad that Fred was laid to rest and wouldn't have to deal with the aftermath of the world picking up the pieces after everything that happened.

A few months had passed since the funeral, and things were slowly going back to normal. Tessa and Charlie had decided to move closer to the Burrow, and Charlie was considering going to Hogwarts to teach Care of Magical Creatures. He didn't want to be away from his family for that long, but he wanted to get a good job to provide for them.

Tessa went to work with George, even though she was a muggle. George would pick her up every morning, and they would go to the joke shop to work. It was easier for George having Tessa around, especially while inside of the joke shop. The joke shop reminded George the most of his brother, and he still hadn't been able to enter Fred's room in their flat above the joke shop.

Anyhow, almost a month after the funeral, Tessa found out that she was pregnant. She didn't tell anyone, other than Charlie, for almost two weeks after she recieved the news. She wanted everyone to continue to grieve for a little bit, but then Charlie told her that the good news would help them grieve and possibly get back to somewhat their old ways.

Mrs. Weasley was the most excited, which really was to be expected. She loved Ricky, and now she was getting another grandchild. It was definitely something she was excited for, and she only wished Fred was there to share the news. Everyone did feel a little brighter after getting the news about a new Weasley addition.

Only about two months later, Charlie took Tessa on a date, and he asked her to marry him. It was one of the sweetest dates she had ever been on, she was incredibly happy to be with Charlie. He was such a great man, especially to her little boy.

Mrs. Weasley had somehow talked her into having the wedding only about three months later. Tessa was almost six and a half months pregnant by then, but she was excited to be married. The wedding wasn't too big, but plenty of people had come. Some people who barely knew Charlie and Tessa came just so they could celebrate something good after all the destruction and heartache they went through months ago.

After Tessa and Charlie got married, Mr. Weasley had gotten someone from the Ministry to come to the Burrow. The man helped Charlie adopt Ricky, but instead of a regular muggle adoption, Charlie was able to blood adopt Ricky. Once that happened, Ricky's hair became a big lighter, and freckles adorned his pale skin. He looked like the perfect mix of Tessa and Charlie.

Percy had gone back to working at the Ministry, but he no longer ignored his family. He spent a lot of time with his family, and no longer cared that they were poor or that they were different compared to most other families. He was happy with his family, and that was all that mattered.

Hermione, Harry, and Ron went back to Hogwarts to redo their final year, though the year was known as their eighth year, instead of their seventh. Ginny was in her seventh year, and she was excited to be leaving Hogwarts at the same time as Harry. She and Harry were back together after all.

George was still different, but Tessa knew he would probably be permanently different. She had explained to him that to help him grieve a bit, he could always write letters to Fred or write in a notebook like he was talking to Fred, to make it like the boy wasn't really gone. He would still be sad, and he would never truly get over the pain, but it would help a little bit.

Tessa's life with Charlie really changed her outlook on life. She hated life and everything that came with it when she was with Daniel. Daniel had ruined her life and made Ricky's life miserable as well. Tessa had been afraid that she and Ricky were never getting away from Daniel, until Charlie came along and saved the day.

Tessa never thought she'd fall in love with Charlie Weasley. She was glad she did though, and she would never change her mind for the world. He was an amazing man and father. There was never going to be another man like him, and she hoped that Ricky would grow up like Charlie. Their perfect little family was what Tessa had always wanted, and she'd never let it be taken away from her. She was happy, and she hoped to always be that way with the love of her life, their little boy, and their little one that was soon to be born...


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