Chapter Fifteen

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Tessa was nervous to meet the rest of Charlie's family, but Charlie tried assuring her that she had already met the people who'd be the hardest to meet

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Tessa was nervous to meet the rest of Charlie's family, but Charlie tried assuring her that she had already met the people who'd be the hardest to meet. Ricky was excited to meet new people. He had never been excited to meet new people, but after meeting Charlie's friends, and his parents, Ricky learned that practically everyone in Charlie's life was amazing.

Tessa didn't tell him otherwise, since she had been seeing the same thing. She hadn't met anyone that Charlie knew that was even indirectly rude towards her or Ricky. She had almost wondered if Charlie had told them beforehand to be nice, and that she and Ricky were sensitive. They were, but she didn't want him telling people that.

When they arrived at the Burrow, Tessa was astounded by the way it looked. She had never seen a house like it, but she had never seen a house created by wizards. The house was amazing, and Charlie was the only reason she could even see the house. The house wasn't able to be seen or found by muggles, so Charlie had to be the one to make it where Tessa could see and approach the house.

"You're here!" Mrs. Weasley practically cheered, when Charlie, Tessa, and Ricky entered the Burrow.

"Sorry, Ricky wasn't too excited about getting out of bed this morning." Tessa commented, causing Mrs. Weasley to smile.

"It's fine, dear. I remember how my boys use to be at his age." She replied, and the girl smiled in relief.

Mrs. Weasley lead the trio to the kitchen for some food, before she went to the stairs to call down the others. She wanted to give Tessa and Ricky time to eat before the rest of the Weasleys bombarded them with questions and greetings. Barely a moment after Mrs. Weasley called them down, Tessa heard the stomping of footsteps down the stairs.

"Charlie!" Multiple voices exclaimed, as they entered the kitchen.

Ricky laid against his mother, feeling a little shy and nervous to meet Charlie's brothers and sister. He was excited, but now that they were near, he was nervous. Tessa understood though, and she didn't mind holding him and comforting him when he needed it.

"Guys, meet Tessa and Ricky," Charlie said, motioning to the mother and son,"Tess, Ricky, meet my brothers, Percy, Fred, George, and Ron, and my little sister Ginny."

"I've heard a lot about you all, and I have to say, you all are a lot better looking than he said you were." Tessa commented, and she watched a blush rush to all of their cheeks.

"So, what made you choose to be with Charlie, Tessa?" Fred asked jokingly,"he's quite ugly, this one." He added, pointing to Charlie with his thumb.

"I have to agree, especially the mess on top of his head, that he calls hair." George joked, and Tessa chuckled.

"I happen to like Charlie's hair, and if you can't tell, Ricky might end up with messy curls, too. I just might stop giving him hair cuts to let his curls grow." She replied, as she ran her fingers through Ricky's hair.

Ricky's hair had grown a bit since she and Ricky started living with Charlie. Ricky's hair was actually becoming a curly mess, and it was slowly started to get darker at the roots. Soon, Tessa was sure that Ricky would have the darkest of hair, and be the cutest little boy in the world.

"Mum said you're a muggle." Ron blurted out, causing everyone to turn to him.

"Ronald!" Mrs. Weasley scolded quietly, and the boy's eyes went wide and he held his hands up in surrender.

"Yes, I am, but according to Charlie, my son is magic." Tessa said, shrugging slightly.

"How about we go get the things you brought for them?" Charlie murmured, and Tessa nodded.

"Ricky," Tessa turned to her son,"will you stay in here while Charlie and I go get the boxes from the car?" She asked, making the boy frown.

"No, I stay with you." He replied, causing the girl to sigh.

"Come here, Ricky," Mrs. Weasley cooed,"Let's get a sweet, yes?"

Ricky quickly nodded, and Tessa was able to pass Ricky to Mrs. Weasley. The others could tell just how much their mother loved having the little boy around. She missed raising little kids his age, so Tessa was truly making the woman happy with Ricky. Charlie beckoned his siblings to follow, and each person grabbed a box and carried it into the living room. Tessa then separated the boxes between each person, with Ginny having quite a few more.

"Ginny, I thought you'd like some new clothes, and I had quite a bit I've never worn, or didn't want anymore. I hope you like them," Tessa commented,"I then went out and bought the rest of you some new clothes. I hope they're the right size. Go ahead and open your boxes. Let me know if there's clothes you don't like, and I'll get new ones."

She watched as they all opened their boxes and pulled out new clothes. They all seemed so happy to get so many new things of clothes. Percy looked especially happy when he pulled out a brand new suit from the box. Tessa had a smile on her face the entire time, as she watched them hold the clothes with happy faces.

"Thank you, Tessa! I love them all!" Ginny exclaimed, as she came over and wrapped her arms around Tessa.

"You're welcome, sweetheart." Tessa replied, hugging the girl back lightly.

Charlie had never seen his sister so affectionate, but he liked seeing her get along with Tessa. The woman may not have been his girlfriend, but he really liked her, and if the others could accept her with open arms, he'd feel better about wanting to be with her.

He also watched his mother with Ricky, and he could see how attached the woman was becoming. She loved the little boy, almost like he was her own grandson, and Charlie felt hope explode in his heart just a little bit. If his mother and father truly liked Tessa and Ricky, then he really did have a chance to be with her, as long as she wanted to be with him...

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