Chapter Twenty One

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Tessa had been excited for Christmas

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Tessa had been excited for Christmas. Truth be told, it was her favorite holiday, especially with Ricky. She loved seeing the smile on his face when he recieved all the gifts. For the first year of his life, he believed in Santa Claus, but for the second year, Daniel ruined it. Daniel informed Ricky that Santa was fake, and Tessa was lying to him.

Tessa had been very angry with Daniel for that, but she never said anything to him. She knew it would cause some real issues if she did. She most likely would've gotten a broken arm for Christmas, possibly even worse. Daniel had made her almost hate Christmas, but this year she was happy. Ricky was finally going to get the Christmas he deserved.

"Mum expects us in an hour, so I hope you're ready to see the family again." Charlie commented, as Ricky finished opening his gifts.

"Why didn't you tell me yesterday?" Tessa questioned,"I would've wrapped their gifts last night if I knew." She added, making him chuckle.

"Don't worry, Tess, I used magic to wrap everything. All you've got to do is get yourself ready. I'll get Ricky ready." Charlie said, and Tessa nodded with a defeated sigh.

Tessa liked the Weasleys, don't get her wrong, she just would've liked getting a heads-up for their visit. Honestly, she almost felt like she was showing up without telling them, and she hated doing that. Obviously, she knew that they knew she, Ricky, and Charlie were coming, but to her it still felt like a random show up for her.

"You ready?" Charlie asked, and Tessa nodded.

"I've got all their gifts put in the biggle duffle bag near the door." She commented, causing him to smile.

"Today, we're using the floo. The twins will be here any minute to--" He began, but was cut off by the sound of the fireplace.

"We're here!" Fred and George exclaimed together, as they stepped out of the fireplace.

"Fred, you'll take Ricky, and George, you grab the duffle bag." Charlie said, and his brothers nodded.

Charlie had warned the twins that if they acted out, Tessa wouldn't be giving them gifts. They really wanted their gifts from Tessa, since she always got them really cool things they had wanted but couldn't afford. Once Fred and George had gotten back, Charlie wrapped his arm around Tessa and used the floo to get to where they were going.

"Tessa, Charlie!" Mrs. Weasley cooed, as she went over to them and wrapped them in a hug.

"Can we do gifts now, Mum?" Ron asked, really wanting to know what Tessa had gotten him.

"Fine," Mrs. Weasley replied,"only if Tessa is ready to pass them out."

"I can go ahead and pass out gifts." Tessa said, and Mrs. Weasley smiled.

Tessa passed out each of the gifts, including the ones for Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. She watched as everyone opened their gifts, and large smiles adorned their faces. Mrs. Weasley recieved a needle point blanket with all of her children's faces and names stitched on to it. Tessa knew Mrs. Weasley missed Percy, even if Percy turned his back on his family. Mr. Weasley recieved book that explained many different muggle inventions.

Fred recieved a new quidditch broom, since his had been damaged during a game. George recieved a new pair of quidditch gloves, which he had been wanting for a few months. Ginny recieved a book about quidditch; something Tessa read before she wrapped because she was curious; as well as a poster of her favorite wizard band. Ron recieved a rather large box of different kinds of snacks and treats from around the muggle world, and he was very excited. Tessa had also sent a gift to Bill, that happened to be a brand new pair of real leather boots. Tessa would've sent one to Percy, but she remembered what happened when Mrs. Weasley tried.

Tessa wasn't sure if Harry and Hermione were going to be there, but when she seen them, she was glad she had brought gifts for them. She had gotten Harry a couple new outfits, and she had gotten Hermione a new muggle book that had just come out at the stores.

Mrs. Weasley then handed Tessa and Ricky gifts from her and Mr. Weasley. When they opened their gifts, they smiled happily at them. They had both recieved Weasley sweaters, Tessa's was purple and Ricky's was yellow. Ricky had been obsessed with the color yellow for the past couple of months, so Mrs. Weasley knew exactly what color she needed to make for the sweater.

After opening gifts, everyone gathered in the kitchen to eat Christmas dinner. There was quite a bit of food, so there was plenty for Tessa and Ricky to choose from. Tessa and Charlie happened to eat quite a bit of food, so they ended up having to sleep it off a bit before they could even consider going home. Mrs. Weasley had set up a bed in Ginny's room, so Tessa could get some rest.

Ricky had a bed in Charlie's room, and Mrs. Weasley hoped the three would stay overnight. She liked having them around, especially little Ricky. Charlie and Tessa had slept about an hour, before they woke up to help clean up around the Burrow. They also talked and decided that they could stay at the Burrow for the night.

That night though, the Burrow was attacked by Death Eaters. Luckily, Charlie was able to protect Ricky and Tessa easily. They had been in the living room when the Burrow was attacked, Charlie had been chatting with Remus Lupin. Anyhow, Charlie had quickly placed Ricky in Tessa's arms, wrapped his arm around them, and used the floo to go straight back home. He then sent an owl to his mother, letting them know that he, Tessa, and Ricky had gotten away safe. They were quite unscathed because Ricky was absolutely terrified, and truth be told, so were Ricky and Tessa...

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