Chapter Five

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Ana had changed the girl's clothes into a sleep outfit of her own, since the girl was about the same size as her. The girl was a bit smaller than her, but Ana knew it was malnutrition. Ana had done everything she could for the girl, but the girl still had to eat and drink on her own. She hoped the girl would do so once she woke up from her much needed rest.

Luckily, Charlie didn't have to work, since it was the weekend, so he was able to watch over the girl and her son. Charlie had woken up early in the morning, much like he did everyday for work. Once he had showered and put on clothes, he walked out of his room and was met by the black kitten that the boy had been cradling when Charlie had found them.

"What's your name, little guy?" Charlie asked quietly, as he bent down and pet the kitten.

The kitten had purred from his touch, but Charlie knew what the kitten wanted. Picking him up, Charlie carried the kitten into his kitchen and grabbed some food and water for him. He placed the kitten back on to the floor, before placing a bowl of food and a bowl of water down for the kitten. By the time he was done feeding the kitten, Charlie heard Ana arrive to check on the girl and her son.

"They seem to be almost completely healed. The boy wasn't as injured as his mother, but they will both be sore for a while, the girl especially." Ana said, after she had checked on the boy and his mother.

"How long until they wake up?" Charlie asked, and Ana shrugged.

"Depends on them, honestly. I believe the boy should be awake soon, but the girl might be a bit longer." She replied, causing Charlie to nod.

"I'm going to make breakfast for them. I bet they're going to be starving." Charlie said, walking back into his kitchen.

"You're not the best cook, Charlie." Ana commented, causing Charlie to scoff.

"I can still make a small breakfast. It's not impossible. I can make toast and eggs." Charlie retorted, and the girl laughed.

"And what if the boy doesn't like it?" Ana asked, making Charlie sigh.

"Guess I'll let him have the rest of my cereal." Charlie answered, as Ana smiled in amusement.

"Good luck, Charlie," Ana murmured,"Also, if you plan to keep them, you might want to bring the girl to get hers and her son's clothes from their home. You might be able to salvage some food and other things, too." Ana said, before she apparated out of the house.

Charlie began to make breakfast, hoping the boy and his mother would be hungry when they woke up. If they weren't, he'd be a little disappointed that he had cooked so much food for all of them. When he was close to being finished with cooking, he heard the little boy.

"Mummy!" The boy cried, causing Charlie to quickly drop what he was doing and run into the room.

"Hey, buddy. I'm Charlie. Your mummy is sleeping right now, but if you're hungry, I have food." Charlie said, as the boy watched him warily with teary eyes.

"My mummy." He murmured, and Charlie nodded.

"I know, but she's sleeping. She needs rest. Are you hungry?" Charlie asked, causing the boy to nod.

With careful hands, Charlie picked up the boy and carried him into the kitchen. The boy wasn't big enough to sit in the seats in his kitchen, so he'd have to hold the boy as he ate.

"Eggs? Toast?" Charlie asked, as he pointed out the food.

The boy pointed to the eggs, but he did not want the toast. Charlie fixed the boy a plate, as well as fixing a plate for himself.

"Do you know if Mummy likes eggs and toast?" Charlie asked, as he sat down with the boy at the table.

The boy simply shrugged, causing Charlie to chuckle. He watched as the boy tried to eat his eggs, but he was having a hard time. Biting his lip, Charlie grabbed the boy's spoon and helped him eat his eggs.

"Juice?" The boy asked, and Charlie nodded.

"I have pumpkin juice. Do you like pumpkin juice?" Charlie asked, causing the boy to nod.

Charlie grabbed the pumpkin juice, before grabbing a plastic cup. He knew the boy wasn't old enough to drink from the cup, so he pulled out his wand and transfigured it into a sippy cup. He poured the juice into the cup, before he passed it to the little boy. He watched the little boy take a drink, and laughed when the boy made a face.

"I thought you said you liked pumpkin juice." Charlie commented, causing the boy to frown.

"No like." The boy answered, as he handed the cup to Charlie.

"Want something else?" Charlie asked, causing the boy to nod, but he could see the boy was getting upset.

He wondered if the boy's father punished him for little things like this, but Charlie wanted to show him it didn't matter and it was fine, so he dumped the juice and rinsed out the cup to get the pumpkin juice flavor out. Charlie then looked around the kitchen trying to find something to make into juice. He smiled in satisfaction when he seen that he had a couple of apples near the window.

"Apple juice?" Charlie asked, and the boy nodded.

Pulling out his wand once again, Charlie was able to turn the apples into apple juice for the little boy. Once the juice was in the cup, he handed the cup to the little boy. He watched the little boy drink the juice, and sighed in relief when the little boy didn't seem to hate it like he had the pumpkin juice. Charlie didn't know what he would've done if the boy didn't like the apple juice, but luckily the boy was happy...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I figured you guys would like a cute moment between Charlie and Ricky.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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