Chapter Three

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A few hours had passed, but Mark had decided to leave whilst it was still light out. He had decided to try and makeup with his wife, after he had seen just how "nice" Daniel and Tessa's relationship was. Tessa hoped Mark didn't treat his wife like Daniel treated her. No other girl in the world deserved the torment she was receiving on a daily basis. As soon as Mark's car had left the driveway, Daniel was out of his seat. Tessa and Ricky had been sitting in the living room playing with his toys, so Daniel was able to see them perfectly.

"Tessa!" He yelled, as he walked into the room.

Tessa quickly grabbed her son, pulling him behind her to keep him safe. She knew Daniel was beyond pissed, so it was not a surprise to her when he came into the room as soon as his friend had disappeared.

"I told you to make sure he behaved! I told you not to step out of line! I told you to make me look good, but you both fucked it up!" Daniel yelled, stalking closer to Tessa and her son.

Tessa felt her son cowering into her side, but there wasn't anything she could do. If she tried to comfort him while being yelled at, he would get yelled at for being a "crybaby."

"I-I'm sorry, Daniel." She replied, looking towards the ground.

"You will be." He spat, as he snatched her up by her hair.

He pulled her across the floor, before throwing her back down to the ground. Lifting his foot, he stomped down on her ribs, causing the girl to cry out in pain. He stomped on her ribs a few more times, before he began to kick her side as hard as he could. She curled herself into a ball on her other side when he stopped kicking her, but that only seemed to provoke him more.

Daniel grabbed her arm, yanking her on to her belly, causing more pain to coarse through her body. As soon as she was laid on her belly, he wrapped his fingers in her hair and slammed her face against the floor a few times, busting her lip, nose, and eyebrow in the process. As he watched the blood cascade down her face, he sneered at her and spit on her.

"You're such a fucking nuisance! I have been nothing but good to you and that kid!" He exclaimed, standing back to his feet, before picking up his foot once more.

He brought his foot down on her arm, successfully breaking her wrist, forearm, and a couple of bones in her hand. She screamed, letting tears fall from her eyes, but she refused to allow the pain to knock her out. Once Daniel was done, Tessa believed the man was going to leave, but he didn't. Instead, he turned to Ricky, the boy who was sobbing and cowering away near the couch. Ricky was petrified, and he was trying to get away from his father, though he wanted to help his mother.

"You! You little fucking brat! You're a crybaby! You're good for nothing! I wish I killed you when you were in your mother's belly!" Daniel yelled, as he stomped towards Ricky.

Ricky jumped to run away, but Daniel grabbed him before he could run. Daniel yanked down the boy's pants with a quickness, before he began to slam his hand down on the boy's butt, legs, and lower back. Ricky screamed, thrashing around to get away from Daniel.

"Stop! Leave him alone!" Tessa cried, her voice hoarse, but louder than normal.

"Don't you yell at me!" Daniel yelled, as he threw Ricky to the side to grab Tessa.

Ricky quickly pulled up his pants, as tears cascaded down his face. Daniel kicked Tessa a few more times, watching as she coughed up blood with the last kick. He then turned back towards his son, grabbing him by his arm.

"If you ever act up again, I will end you, do you hear me?!" Daniel exclaimed, as he held the boy tightly.

Ricky simply screamed, wanting to get away from the man who was hurting him.

"Do you hear me?!" Daniel yelled, but when he didn't get a response, he grew angrier,"Do I have to show you like I do your Mummy?" Daniel asked, a sadistic smile making it's way to Daniel's face.

Tessa felt her blood run cold knowing Daniel would hurt Ricky more than he ever had before. Yelling was bad enough, but he had already hurt Ricky. Tessa refused for Daniel to hurt Ricky any more than he already had. With a deep breath, Tessa tried to pull herself up to protect her son. Daniel seen her movement, causing him to look over and smirk.

"Mummy is still too stubborn for her own good," Daniel commented, as he turned back to the boy,"Guess I have to break Mummy another way." He said, as he threw Ricky into the wall next to him.

Daniel kicked Ricky a couple of times, no where near as hard as he had kicked Tessa. When Daniel lifted his leg to stomp on Ricky, potentially breaking bones or causing internal bleeding, Tessa screamed. Her voice rising higher than it had since she moved in.

"No! Leave him alone! Don't hurt my baby! Stop!" She cried out, forcing herself up into a sitting position.

"Or what?" Daniel asked, turning to her with a smirk.

"Please! Daniel, just stop! He's a baby! My baby!" She exclaimed, her eyes full of tears.

"Make me, bitch." He spat, lifting his leg again.

Before he could bring his leg down on to the small boy's body, he was tackled to the ground. A man sat on him, proceeding to throw punch after punch at his face. The man wasn't going to let Daniel live, not after what he was doing, but the man also didn't want to be arrested for murder. Tessa watched from the side, as she slowly pulled herself to Ricky's side. Ricky was crying his eyes out, his body not handling pain as well as his mother's. As he cried, Bear came over and cuddled him, trying to take away the boy's pain. The kitten knew Ricky and Tessa were too hurt to do it for themselves...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Charlie! He saved the day! Also, sorry if the chapter made you guys sad, but I did warn you.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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