Chapter Twenty Four

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Hiding was not on Tessa's agenda, but she knew it was for the best

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Hiding was not on Tessa's agenda, but she knew it was for the best. The family of three needed to stay safe, especially since the Death Eaters were seeking out all muggles and muggleborns and murdering them, especially the ones tied into wizard families in some way. She and Ricky were in real danger, and Charlie had to protect them.

A little time had passed, but when it hiding, it felt like the little bit of time had been months. Ricky's birthday had come around, but this birthday wasn't going to be amazing. When he had birthdays with Daniel, they were never amazing, but this one they were spending in hiding. They really couldn't do much for a birthday while in hiding.

Tessa and Charlie had dressed up a bit to look nice, since they didn't want to make the birthday seem like it wasn't important. Tessa spent an entire night making the perfect birthday cake for Ricky, and the next morning Charlie and Tessa worked together to make a nice breakfast. Ricky was really happy with his mini chocolate chip pancakes and scrambled eggs.

Tessa and Charlie couldn't get a lot of gifts, since they couldn't go out shopping, but luckily Mrs. Weasley had it covered. Mrs. Weasley sent a rather large package full of gifts from everyone, including the ones Tessa and Charlie asked her to pick up for them. Everything had been wrapped, and Ricky was really surprised to see all the gifts on the table when it came time for cake.

Tessa and Charlie sang happy birthday to Ricky, before they ate a piece of cake each. After cake, Ricky was able to open all of his gifts. Tessa had gotten him a new set of Ninja Turtles action figures, and Charlie had gotten the Shell Raiser to go with it. Fred had sent him a color changing markers, so whenever he wanted a certain color, he could change the markers to the colors he wanted. The markers were actually pretty cool.

George had gotten him quite a few coloring books to go with the markers, and he had made sure that at least one of the coloring books was Ninja Turtles, since that was Ricky's newest obsession. Ginny had gotten the little boy a couple of books, since she knew Ricky loved bedtime stories. Bill and Fleur sent a few outfits for Ricky's birthday, and Tessa was surprised to see a Ninja Turtle costume that came with the outfits.

Mrs. Weasley had made another Weasley sweater, but it was themed after Ricky's favorite Ninja Turtle, Michaelangelo. Mr. Weasley sent sweets, since he knew Ricky loved eating sweets whenever he had the chance. Tessa and Charlie weren't really surprised that Ricky had a sweet tooth at his age.

After opening all of his gifts, Charlie and Tessa helped him carry them to his room. Once everything was in his room, Tessa began to make dinner for them. Ricky wanted pizza for dinner, since he hadn't had it in a long time, and Tessa didn't want to let him down. With a bit of difficulty, Tessa made two pizzas, one for her and Ricky, and one for Charlie. She and Ricky had plain cheese, but Charlie had a pizza with all different things on top that he liked.

Once the food was ready, Charlie and Ricky came into the kitchen to eat. Tessa was happy as she watched Ricky eat his pizza with a smile on his face. Recently, since they went into hiding, it was hard to catch him with a genuine smile on his face. He smiled sometimes, but Tessa was sure the smiles were forced so his parents wouldn't be sad.

After dinner, Ricky had to get a bath. He played with the bubbles for a bit, before he was washed up and put into a pair of pajamas. As soon as he was dressed, Tessa tried to tame his wild curls. She wasn't able to do much, but once she got some of it down, she was happy with the way it looked.

"Daddy, will you do my bedtime story?" Ricky asked, as he brought one of his new books to Charlie.

"Sure," Charlie replied,"Let's go brush our teeth first. We don't want cavities."

Ricky quickly ran off to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and once he was finished, he went straight to his room. He climbed on to his bed, and pulled his blanket up. Charlie went into the room and pulled the blanket up a little further, tucking Ricky in just the way he liked it. The man then grabbed the book Ricky wanted him to read, and he sat in bed with Ricky and read the book.

By the time Charlie was halfway through the book, Ricky had fallen asleep. Charlie smiled down at his son, and closed the book quietly. He placed the book down on Ricky's bedside table, before placing a kiss on the little boy's head. Charlie quietly left the room, leaving the door open a smidgen so the boy could leave the room if he needed to.

"He asleep?" Tessa asked, as she cleaned up the kitchen.

"He pretty much passed out the moment his head hit the pillow." Charlie replied, causing his girlfriend to laugh quietly.

"At least we know he'll sleep well tonight." Tessa commented, making Charlie nod in agreement.

Ricky sometimes had nightmares because of the attack at Bill and Fleur's wedding. The nightmares were becoming fewer as time went on, but Ricky was still scared. He wondered why they weren't at their real home, and he knew it had something to do with the bad guys. He couldn't be sure exactly what was going on, but he knew it was scary whatever it was.

Tessa and Charlie tried to shield Ricky from everything as best they could. It wasn't always easy, but they tried their best. As long as he had a safe and happy childhood, that's all they cared about. They could take on the world together just to protect their little boy...

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