The Jade Emperor

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        Melody stomps up the mountain, her face twisted into a bitter scowl. Sun Wukong walks at the head of the group, his head leaning back in his hands comfortably. The treaty is wrapped in his tail, swaying gently with every step, just at the edge of her reach. As if he's taunting her, daring her to make a grab for it. But she knows all too well what will happen if she does.

Oliver and Emelia walk directly behind her. Oliver's head is lowered, his eyes flicking around at every shadow. Emelia keeps her head high, a defiant glare levelled at the mountain's peak. Koji walks behind them, his eyes on the ground and shoulders slumped. And lingering at the back of the group is Marcus, glaring at the Monkey King with murderous intent.

"So, what's the plan?" Emelia whispers, speeding up to walk at Melody's side. She keeps her eyes forward, leaning into her slightly. "How are we going to get it back?"

"We're not," Melody says, her tone matching her expression. "There's nothing we can do."

"There's always something," Emelia replies firmly. "Have you tried disenchanting the collar?"

"I did, but he grinned at me," Melody says, pointing to Sun with her chin. "He can probably sense my power, and he'll activate it before I get it undone. Not to mention, without this, there's no way for us to beat him." She glares daggers at the monkey walking ahead of them, but it's about as effective as their earlier attacks.

"Then what if we try reasoning with the Jade Emperor? You wanted to come here anyway, so maybe-" Emelia tries, cutting herself off when Melody shakes her head.

"I have no idea what I would even say. And if he's willing to unleash Sun Wukong of all people, then I doubt he'll listen."

"Whatever you're planning, I'm going to need you to stop now," Sun calls over his shoulder without looking back. Melody flinches, squeezing her eyes shut in preparation. When nothing happens, she allows herself a small sigh of relief. She follows Sun's gaze into the sky, spotting the moon hanging above them. She hadn't realized they had walked for so long. The long shadows of the trees are gone, and the peak of the mountain is illuminated. A dark castle looms over them at the end of the path.

"For the record, I couldn't care less if you want to escape. Do whatever you want - just save it until after I'm done with the Jade Emperor," Sun adds with a nod. "After that, you're free to go."

"Except for the Armies of Heaven," Emelia says sharply. "And the rest of the Taoist gods, who I assume are going to be there."

"Probably. Good luck with that," Sun confirms. He giggles, glancing back at Melody. When he meets her eye, his smile drops. "You don't have to look so angry, you know. I'm on your side."

"We've heard that before," Marcus rumbles from the back of the pack. Sun sighs, shaking his head.

"I'm sure you have. But this time I mean it." He looks up the mountain, his jaw set. "I guess you'll just have to wait and see."

Sun stops in front of a massive green gate, with half a dozen guards fanned out in an arc around it. As the group approaches, they lower their spears, specifically keeping their focus on Sun. Ten more guards rush along the top of the jade walls, shouting orders as they get into battle positions. Sun giggles to himself, waving his hand dismissively. The gates open for him, to the surprise of the guards. They quickly part to let them pass, but keep their spears locked on target.

Melody can't help but be awed by the Jade Palace. Her eyes sparkle as she takes in the great wall surrounding it, with dozens of guards marching along the top. The grounds are lit by hundreds of blazing sconces, the light dancing against the jeweled walls. To the left of the entrance is a glimmering golden river, with another high wall on the other side. Through the decorative gate, she can make out the branches of dozens of peach trees, glowing attendants hurrying about to collect the fruit.

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