Chapter 16

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Naina's POV

I woke up due to the sunrays directly falling over my face and my head is aching like someone is hammering.....

But why???????

I hold my head in my hands and tried to open my eyes. My vision is blur but I tried to look around me an it's a room not mine........whose room is this????? How I end up here and why the hell I am not able to recall anything of last night.

Suddenly something clicked and I looked at myself......sighing in relief......I am in my last night's dress only

But my's paining like hell
Ohhh God do something.......

I got up from the bed or atleast tried but my legs are not supporting me......I was about to fall when I felt someone saved me from falling. I looked and it's him......but what he is doing here????? He made me sit on the bed.
And offered me a glass of lemonade and I looked at him questioningly

"You were badly drunk last night so have it" he said still in his cold voice. Taking the glass from his hand I gulped the whole content and it's make me feel like puking.

I quickly ran towards the washroom and puked everything I had last night , I don't even remember if I had anything or not. But I am feeling weak right weak that I just want to sit here. As I was about to sat on the washroom floor I felt him holding not holding me casually but to hold me in his arms in bridal style......I want to object, I soo want to but my body is not letting me. So I just kept quiet and he made me lie on the bed carefully.

He ordered something on the call which I didn't hear. But I badly need something to eat.

After few minutes , I felt him shaking me as my eyes are closed.....I opened my eyes adjusting my view , his face came in my view.

"Have something and take these medicines" He ordered but I can't understand one thing that why he is doing all this??

I slowly sit on the bed and taking the plate of food from his hands I started digging it. But his attention and care make me irritated after why he did to me........I know we are not on good terms........I am his wife only for the world but that doesn't mean that he would go back to his ex and can cheat on me.......... I am his wife and he should have respect me for name sake

Unable to remember anything from last night I asked him "how I came here?"

"If you can't remember anything then why you have to drink it?" Instead of replying me he questioned me and that's make me angry on his. I am already having so much pain and here he......

"I didn't ask for your opinion Mr. Oberoi" I said angrily

"Be quick , I don't have whole day for you" he said rudely

"Yeah yeah I know you must an important meeting, and who the hell asked you to stay here?? You can leave , I know how to take care of myself " I said angrily directly looking in his eyes.

"I don't have anything with Riya now , how many times should I tell you??" He said frustratedly

"You don't have to tell me anything, I have seen everything that day" I said equally frustrated and got up about to enter in the washroom when his voice stopped me

"You are going home with me and that is final" he said making me gulp the bite which is in my mouth

"But why???? I want to live with my parents" I argued

"You have stayed with them enough no. If days and now I don't want to argue with anymore on this topic, we will directly head to our home from here" he said

"Correction Mr. Oberoi it's YOUR home not OUR." I said to making him angry I guess because he is looking at me with so much rage

Before he could say or do something someone knocked on the door and I immediately got up to open the door

"Ma'am your car is here" a waiter informed me

"Ohkay, thank you we are coming" I said to him and he leave from there

I closed the door behind me

He took my purse from the side table , holding my hand he started dragging me out of the hotel

I don't think I said something wrong to make him this much angry

Will figure it out at home .....thinking that I just put my thoughts aside


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