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Chapter 30


Tuesday 8:55 pm


It was sort of enjoyable watching Jay dance around the kitchen with Tomlin. Jay was the only one of us four that knew anything about cooking. So, he tried to help the best he could. Only Tomlin wasn't having any of it.

"Listen Stormy, I've got this. You're tall and big just like me and in my fucking way, we both don't fit dude. Get out and stay out." Tomlin yelled, pointing his spatula towards the kitchen table.

"I want to help." Jay pouted, grabbing a grape from the fruit bowl.

"Go or I am slapping you with this. And not in any enjoyable capacity, so save the jokes." Tomlin pushed him away towards the table. Jay laughed, tripped and continued to the kitchen table. He pouted the entire way, sitting down to lean his head against Ryland's shoulder. I smiled at him with a wink.

"He's rude, Mouse." Jay complained to me.

"He's got it under control, Stormy." I teased, jumping from the table to land on a stool at the kitchen island, across from Tomlin.

"I'm small. Can I help you do anything? I'm hungry as fuck." I smirked at him because he was irritated, and fucking with Tomlin when he was irritated was fun.

"Shut it, Shorty. I would have been done with this already had you all left me alone. First it was fighting over what to make. Then it was fighting over who was going to help, even though Jay said he was from the beginning. All that for him just to be a lug in my way." He shook his head back and forth.

"You boys are drama, drama, drama." As he talked he flipped another pancake.

That's what we finally agreed to have because pancakes and eggs was the fastest thing Tomlin had to make. Everything else was like lasagna and spaghetti, or frozen, and would have taken a while. Only it ended up taking a while anyway.

"Are you always this cranky when you cook?" Darius asked, walking behind Tomlin to loom behind him, watching over his shoulder.

Tomlin didn't push him away, that was rude. I was starting to get jealous until I realized he was all of ours. He said yes. It was a nice feeling to not have to worry about being jealous. I winked at Darius who twitched his jaw.

Tomlin scoffed. "No. I'm only this cranky when idiots try to help me do things I can do myself." He smiled at me, flipping his pancake.

"Oh, is that right?" I asked, leaning across the countertop to look Tomlin in his eyes.

"So tell me, Tomlin. Does that mean if Darius were to help you out with what's going on in those silky pants of yours? That you'd still be this cranky?"

Tomlin swallowed. "Shit. Ryland, you're the boss right? not this little bastard?"

Darius's hand slid down Tomlin's midsection, resting just above his waist. Ryland laughed then cleared his throat. "I sometimes think we should say we are a co-op of gay boys in a poly 4 way relationship with no alpha. Especially when Darius and/or Sammy are involved."

Tomlins eyes went wide with worry and I couldn't help, but smirk at him some more, Darius even began to move his fingers across Tomlins skin making Tomlin close his eyes.

"But this isn't sometimes. And as of right now I am the bastard who says what goes. Darius, Mouse, stop teasing him. He's cooking and vulnerable right now." Just as fast as it started both of us were away from Tomlin, who was laughing like a hyena. 

"Oh, that was fun. You boys are gonna be the death of me."

I shook my head laughing. The dude was perfect for us. 

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