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" Jun tell us what happened ? " Says Jeonghan

Jun has been with his friends for a good half-hour now, meanwhile the rest of the gang have arrived, they've been warned of the situation by Joshua so they've all arrived at the house to come and give Jun a hug, his condition is worrying and alarming, the young men have never seen their friend like this, it's strange and unlike him, several questions cross their minds for them the one at fault is Tawan. In fact, nobody except Joshua and Jeonghan knows that the two boys are no longer together, nobody knows that between Jun and Minghao, it's become the fourth world war, nobody knows that if Jun suffers it's his fault, so after much reflection the blond decides to tell Tawan everything - it's been nearly two months since it ended, they've decided to remain friends. Minghao confessed his feelings to him, but he realized his own, too late, much too late, because Minghao had already asked him to remain friends, which is why he feels so bad.

At the end of his story, both Joshua and Soonyoung come to hug him. It's obvious to them that they'll end up together, and they're the ones who encouraged Seungcheol to take Jun there.
Jun's ten friends and his brother are thinking the same thing: Jun absolutely has to talk to Minghao's parents, because at the moment, they're the problem...

" Jun, I don't give a damn, let's go! " says his brother.

" No, it's out of the question ! "

" Don't talk to Hao, talk to his parents, they're the problem, not Minghao. "

" What's the point? As far as they're concerned, Minghao is totally straight, and they're homophobes to boot. "

Jeonghan laughs bitterly, then grabs his younger son's wrist and drags him out of the house. Jun gives in completely, he's clearly no match for his elder's strength anyway, so he prefers to let himself go, the two boys arrive at Jeonghan's car, he invites Jun to sit in it...
Jun does so, Jeonghan takes his place and starts driving. Jun shows him the way, and the two boys arrive very quickly, but an unpleasant surprise awaits them...
Minghao is cuddling a girl just outside the entrance to the house, and Jun's heart breaks into a million pieces...

Jeonghan doesn't understand, Minghao also kept telling him that he was in love with his best friend, but now he really doesn't understand at all. He gets out of the car alone, as Jun is in no condition to do so, and approaches his younger brother.

" Jeonghan hyung ! What are you doing here ? "

" You're disappointing Minghao..."

" I can explain everything ! "

" It's not me you have to explain yourself to, young man."

Jeonghan closes his eyes to contain his anger, then slowly turns to his car, where Jun is still inside.
The girl at the boys' side doesn't understand, gently tapping Minghao's arm.

" What's going on ? " she asks.

" We'll talk about it later."

" Minghao. Explain."

At the same moment Jun arrives, hands trembling, then Minghao's parents arrive too. Minghao finds himself stuck in the middle of it all, the moment of revelation has come. What is Minghao going to tell his parents ? To Jeonghan ? To the girl ? And above all, what is he going to tell Jun ?

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