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" Hao, are you all right ? You look pale."

The young man doesn't even bother to answer his brother, just gets up from his stool, switches off his mobile and runs off.
The awake boys don't understand, while Minghao runs through the streets of Seoul, tears in his eyes, afraid of what his elder brother's condition will be like after a good ten minutes.
The colored boy arrives at the apartment, his breathing jerky, tears flowing naturally...

" Hao ! What's the matter ? "

" You stressed me out with your message..."

" He's in the bedroom..."

" I'll go see him..."

" Personally, I'll cook for you..."

Minghao nods softly, then leaves for the bedroom. Once there, he walks slowly into the room...

" Jun, are you all right ? "

" Hao ! I need a hug..."

The blond moves into a sitting position on his bed and stretches out his arms towards his youngest, the younger immediately coming to take his eldest inside his arms...
Minghao feels his T-shirt getting wet, a sign that his eldest is crying...

" What's the matter ? " Minghao asks softly

" We live in a world..."

" Explain to me..."

Jun nods gently and begins to narrate.

- Flashback -

Jun arrives at the meeting place, apparently his ex hasn't arrived yet, waiting quietly for him...

" Jun, are you there ? "

" Oh Tawan."

" You don't mind if I came with my sister."

" Sister ? "

Jun frowned, his sister ? What do you mean this girl is his sister ? She's not his girlfriend...

" Yes, Lia, she's my sister, why ? "

" Isn't she the one you cheated on me with ? "

" I didn't cheat on you, I didn't leave you for a girl, or for anyone. "

" But then why ? "

" Jun be realistic, you love Minghao, that's obvious. Besides, I'm not in love with you anymore, I'm still attached to you..."

" You want us to stay friends ? "

Tawan nods, then holds out his hand to Jun, who takes it, then suddenly some boys arrive out of nowhere, they start hitting Tawan...

" You gay bastard, die..."

" Go away Jun, Lia too, go away ! "

" You're going to die you prick."

Lia closes her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks, gently, she comes to tap Jun's arm...

"Go, I'll take care of it." Says the girl

" But Tawan..."

" He's used to it, he absolutely wants to avoid it for you."

" I always thought he was cheating on me with you."

" That's what he wanted you to think, so you'd forget him easily. If you see him as an asshole you'll have an easier time forgetting him."

" Why would he do that? He should have told me, I would have understood."

" Besides, it'll help you really realize who you have real feelings for. "

Jun frowns, muses, then shakes his head, his gaze resting on Lia.

" You text me if anything happens..." He says before leaving.

- End of Flashback -

" And that's it..."

Minghao can't believe it, all his hatred for Tawan is dissipating. He finally realizes that this ex isn't so bad, and what's more, he too has realized that he loves his eldest son, and apparently Jun does too - is this really the case?

" Did you get a message ? " Asks the younger

" Yes."

Tawan 💔:

My brother is in an induced coma, the blows were much more violent than last time. I called the police back, the harassers got arrested. Nevertheless, Tawanie is in a bad state.

" Holy fucking shit."

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