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First at all !

Jeonghan is Jun brother
Seungcheol is Minghao brother


" Jun you will do me the pleasure of moving your ass off this couch, please."

Minghao's only reply is a sniffling sound, a sign that his supposed interlocutor is crying, as usual for a week now...
Minghao shakes his head and runs to the sofa, then settles down beside his best friend, drawing him into his arms, affectionately stroking his back to show him that he, is there for him.

" I can't go on without him Hao..." Jun says in a barely audible breath.

" When you want it, you can do it Jun..."

" I assure you I'm trying to get past it, but I can't, it's all happened so fast."

" I understand Jun, but you mustn't let this get you down."

The older man nods, then places himself more comfortably in his friend's arms.
Minghao places a kiss in his friend's hair, then gently pulls away...

" Why ? " Says the elder.

" I'll be back in a few seconds Jun promised..."

Jun nods slowly...
Minghao heads for the kitchen, takes a small plate from the fridge that he had prepared for his eldest son, and returns to the living room with the meal...

" What is it ? " asks the blond

" Yesterday's meal that you didn't eat. " Answers the colored one

" I'm still not hungry..."

" You need to eat at least a little..."

" I'm sorry Hao'..."

The colored man sighed and set the plate down on the living room table, then sat down next to Jun on the couch.
As usual, the blond puts his head on Minghao's shoulder.
The latter automatically begins to stroke his friend's hair, his eyes gently close and then, at the same moment, the front door opens...
Minghao turns his head to see Jun's brother, Jeonghan...

" Jeonghan hyung ? What are you doing here ? " Asks Minghao.

" I'm very worried about my brother.." replies the boy

" That makes two of us..."

" Is he asleep ? "

" Hmm, that's getting rare..."

" Put him down gently on the couch, we'll go and have a chat ourselves."

Minghao nods, slowly shifting.
Jun's head meets the sofa...
Minghao stands up, then puts a blanket over Jun's body before leaving with Jeonghan. He places a kiss on his elder's forehead, then follows the black-haired man who was waiting at the door...

" Can we go now ? "

" Yes, where are we going ? "

" We're going for coffee, we need to talk."

Minghao swallowed, wondering what the young boy wanted, the two friends arrived at the café, Minghao had an americano, Jeonghan a tea...

" I have a question..." Minghao begins

" Hmm ? "

" Did you like Jun's ex ? "

"He wasn't a bad guy i think, but you know very well that you're the one I want as a brother-in-law..."

Minghao starts to blush, honestly, he too would love to have Jeonghan as a brother-in-law...

" Jeonghan, this isn't going to be possible. Jun doesn't like me like that..."

" What about you ? How do you like him ? "

" I don't really know, it's very complicated and confused in my mind..."

Suddenly, the barman arrives, cutting short their discussion. Minghao sees that it's his brother, who laughs as he puts down the drinks...

" That's not what you told me last night on the phone, Hao. " says Seungcheol.

" Shut up ! "

Jeonghan smiles, he's eager to embark on the cupid's mission, but for the moment cheering up his brother is his main priority...


Hello everyone ! How are you ?
I'm back with a new story, this time is about JunHao !
There will be ChanCheol, JiHan, Verkwan, MinWon, SoonHoon and Seokmin will be with a girl !
I sincerely hope you enjoy it !

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