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" Ah Hao you're here ! "

Indeed, after a good twenty minutes' walk. Jun had finally found Minghao, who was sitting in the sand watching the horizon, and when he heard the voice of the man he loved, he quickly got up and was ready to leave.
Jun disagrees, encircling his youngest son's waist and preventing him from leaving...

" How did you find out where I was? " asks the youngest.

" Your brother..."

" What a traitor..."

" Thank him instead. Stop running away from me."

Minghao sighs, holding back his tears as best he can, even though at the moment, he only wants to do this, ever so gently, he comes to place his hands on his eldest's, takes them and detaches them from his person then moves forward with the aim of moving away from his elder...
Jun still doesn't agree, grabbing his younger's arm and pulling him to him...
Minghao finds himself trapped in his elder's arms, knowing that it's too late...

" Jun hyung, stop. "

" Why ? Hao, I finally realized that I love you too..."

Minghao raises his head towards his eldest, then at the same moment, he feels lips resting on his, he tries to flee, but the strength of his eldest, is much stronger than his own, so he lets himself go and takes part in the kiss, this one is much softer and more passionate than the first...
A few seconds later, Jun pulls back, a smile coming to his lips but quickly disappearing when he sees his younger crying...

" Jun..."

" Why are you crying ? "

" I'm sorry..."

Minghao pulls away from his elder then wipes his mouth, followed by his eyes, he backs away from his elder...
Jun tries to get closer, but Minghao steps back again...

" Stop running away from me, what's wrong again ? "

" We can't be together."

" What did you just say ? "

" I don't deserve to be with you, first of all. And secondly, I've been talking to my parents a lot and they've made me realize that you can't just go from friendship to love like that."

" Why do you have to listen to your parents like that ? Listen to your heart a little ! "

Minghao takes a deep breath and dries his tears, puts one of his hands over his heart and closes his eyes...

" I'm listening to him Jun, and that's just it, he's screaming at me that we're making the wrong choice by wanting to get together. "

" You've got to be kidding me ! You're making a scene just to tell me that ? "

" But we can stay friends, it's better for us."

" Fuck you ! "

Then Jun kicked the water, which drenched Minghao, and left in a huff, sad and angry. He was frustrated, he'd finally realized that he had feelings for his younger brother, so why would Minghao suddenly say he didn't, it didn't make sense...
The blond man's cogitation makes him unaware that he's back at the foot of the mansion, he leans against his eldest's car and lets the tears flow, fate really doesn't want him to be happy as a couple just as Jun is about to howl in frustration, his friend arrives, his cheek swollen and red, what the hell's going on here ?

《 Love me like I do 》Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat